Chapter 6

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Nicholas Nova

"Nicky, I'm back!" Emily exclaimed as she entered our hotel room. I grinned from my spot on the bed. She had been gone all day while had meetings. I missed her. She had a guilty look on her face as she came over to the bed.

"Sweetheart, what's with the look? Did you buy something really expensive? We can always return—"

"I found Bailey." She blurted out. My stomach found itself lodged in my throat. She found my sister. After hundreds of thousands of dollars thrown at Private investigators, my fiancé found my sister.

"Where?" I manage to get out.

"There's a pizzeria downtown. She lives with the owners or something. But she's here and alive!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Did you tell her about—"

"No, this is a personal family matter. She needs to hear it from you. You were always her voice of reason, Nicky." I put my head in my hands and began to cry. We thought she was dead. No one could find her, we thought that she went off the grid or just died. I guess we were all wrong.

"Thank you, love." I whispered. Emily came running over to me and sat in my lap, hugging me tightly.

"Call her. I have her number in my phone. Set up a lunch date, and try to convince her to come home." She said, kissing my tears away. She pressed her phone into my hands and smiled at me. "This is your choice."

"I'm going to do it." I said, finding Bailey's number and hitting the call button. I put the phone on speaker and waited for it to stop ringing.

"Hey, you've reached Bailey Lillian's phone!" A male voice said happily. "She can't come to the phone because she's doing—"

"Seth!" Bailey screeched into the phone. "I'm unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message and phone number after the beep!"

I took a deep breath and looked at Emily. She gave me an encouraging nod as the phone went beep. "Hey Bailey, it's Nicky. Please call me back when you can. I want to see you. I love you, Bailes." I hit the end button and looked at Emily. "Who was the guy in her message?"

"Her boyfriend, I think. His name is Seth." Emily said, taking my hand. "Let's go for a walk, sweetie. Maybe we'll bump into Bailey." I nodded and stood with my fiancée, taking her into my arms for a moment.

"Did she say she wanted to come home, Em? Is she happy here?" I asked Emily, pressing my face into her hair.

"She looked happy, sweetie." Emily said, squeezing my sides. "But she said she won't come home until Eric is behind bars. She may not even consider coming back to testify against him."

"I don't want to push her—It may push her away again." I said. Emily kissed my forehead gently, rubbing her hands up and down my back.

"Let's go get dinner in the South End. Maybe we'll run into her." Emily suggested, taking my hands. "Come on, my treat."




Emily and I ended up going to a Japanese style restaurant in the South End of Boston. We wanted to find Bailey desperately. I just wanted to see her, maybe for a moment to see she was okay. I could tell that Emily was getting irritated by my constant checking of her phone.

"Come on, we need to go see some people." Emily said as she hailed us a taxi. "No, sweetie, we can go back to the hotel—"

"No, you need to meet the people Bailey has been staying with." Emily said as a taxi pulled up to the curb. "Get in, Nicky, you're paying for the fair." Emily and I jumped in the cab and Emily gave the driver directions. We stayed silent during the drive. Emily looked pissed, probably at me, but I couldn't help it. My sister was somewhere in the city and I didn't know where.

"We're here, pay the man." Emily said, placing her hand on the door handle. I paid the man with a hundred and left the car with Emily. We stood in front of a pizzeria called Matthew's Family Pizza. Emily took my hand and led me inside. There weren't a lot of people in the shop, possibly a few regulars at the late dinner hour. The old man at the front of the restaurant looked at us before calling to someone in the back. Moments later a guy about my age came out, his dark hair shaggy and falling across his forehead. He looked at Emily and smiled, coming across the store to meet us.

"Hey, you were here this morning, come this way, please." The guy said, leading us to a side room. He turned on the light and let us in before closing the door. "Nicholas Nova, I presume." He said, sticking his hand out.

"You are?" I asked, shaking his hand.

"Noah Matthews, Seth's older brother. Seth is out with Bailey at the moment." Noah said, looking at Emily. "Hello, Emily."

"Hi. Could you please tell her to call me back? Nicky just wants to see her before we have to leave." Emily said, squeezing my hand.

"Sure. Bailey is a wonderful addition to our family. She's sparked something in my little brother, and Seth has made Bailey come alive again." Noah said, smiling at us.

"Why didn't you call the hotline?" I asked, finally finding my voice. I was so stunned that she had made a relationship with these people.

"In all honesty, when I recognized Bailey, the news about your family was finally coming out to the public. I knew it had to be her choice to come back to you guys. When I told her that your brother-in-law was being tried, she told me she wouldn't go back until he was behind bars." Noah said, wringing his hands together. "If you want her to come home, I think you're going to have to bargain with her yourself."

"Thank you, Noah. Here is my card. It has Nicky's number as well. Call us if anything happens." Emily said, giving Noah her card from her purse. "And if the paps come around, tell them we never came here."

"Sure thing." Noah said as we turned to leave.

I would finally see my sister after two years of missing her.






Hello lovelies!

I apologize for being MIA for so long. So many things and so little time. This may be the last update for a while until I get into the last few moments of my school year. Only 4 weeks left! So exciting.

Lots of Love,


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