[32] More Harm Than Good

Start from the beginning

"So what's the plan exac--" Sara began asking before she was interrupted by the sound of gun shots in the distance. Everyone looked confused before Scott took off on his bike, heading off toward the sounds of the gun shots. "Scott! Scott, stop--" Sara tried yelling after him but he just kept going. 

"We still need a plan!" Stiles quickly added as they watched Scott take off, no use in trying to stop him. They'd never catch him. Stiles sighed, everyone trying to wrap their heads around what was happening before Isaac quickly took off after Scott. 

"Isaac! Isaac, stop! We need to stick together! Ugh, son of a bi--" Sara cursed, throwing her hands up in defeat as their search party was down two werewolves. Everyone was left standing there, looking stunned and confused as none of them have an even slightest plan in motion. 

Finally, Stiles broke the silence, sighing in slight defeat. 

"Okay, we need to hurry and split up. No sense in trying to stay together now that Scott and Isaac ran off. Now, you two go after Scott and Isaac while Sara and I try to find Malia before her dad does." Stiles said, instructing everyone on the plan he had come up with. 

Allison nods her head. "What happens if you find her? I only brought one tranq gun and we only have three vials." Allison asked Sara and Stiles. 

"Don't worry, you're not the only one in this pack that has wicked aim." Sara said, going to pull something out of her bag, showing off a small gun. Everyone looked at Sara with wide eyes, asking what she thought she was doing. Sara rolled her eyes, replying, "Don't have your panties all in a bunch. It's a tranq gun I got from my dad's safe. It probably won't be able to knock her out like what Deaton gave us but it'll help slow her down long enough for you to get your shot in, Argent. So, better make sure you don't miss." 

Then Lydia asked the question they all should be asking. 

"And if both you and Allison miss your shots? What happens then?" Lydia asked. 

And Sara answered Lydia in a monotone voice, as if it didn't matter. 

"Then this Malia girl is as good as dead." Sara answered nonchalantly, causing everyone to stare at her shocked. "What? I'm only saying what we're all thinking. It's a possibility, we can't go into this half cocked like we're just gonna succeed without any complications. Sometimes you have to plan accordingly for the endless possibilities of failure." Sara said, rolling her eyes at the expressions that were shooting her way. 

Stiles then went to stand in front of Sara, not wanting to a fight to ensure when there were more pressing matters at hand. "Okay, let's just focus on what's important. Saving Malia and making sure her dad isn't the one who kills her. Okay? Now, you two go ahead. Go." Stiles said, shooing at Lydia and Allison while the two of them ran off after Scott and Isaac. 

Sara and Stiles exchanged a look, sighing while the two of them were quickly going off in a different direction in hopes of intercept Malia before Mr. Tate. While the pair were walking rather quickly, Stiles suddenly heard his phone going off and seeing his dad was calling him. 

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