Chapter 19

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Chris was due in at some point on Thursday. His flight was supposed to be in by 11 am but there had been a few delays and by 2:00 he still wasn't there.

Belle was busy at work when the secretary buzzed her, "I have an Anna on the line for you."

"Anna?" Belle repeated. Her stomach dropped scared something was wrong. "Send it through."

She grabbed the phone. "This is Belle."

"Belle? Oh thank God, It's Anna. Everything's fine. I hate to call you but I'm in a tough spot and I need some help."

"From me?"

"Yeah....Chris was supposed to be back by now and he was going to pick Jack up. Poor planning on our part I suppose but that's neither here nor there. I have a meeting in 45 minutes and I don't have anyone who can watch Jack. Poor planning once again on my part. I can't reach Chris....have you talked to him?"

"No...not since his flight was delayed. I'm not sure what time it's even going to be in."

"I hate to ask you this......but is there any way you could watch Jack? I know I'm putting you on the spot."

"Me? Are you sure? He doesn't even really know me. You don't even know me."

"Chris trusts you, I trust you. And don't sound so scared. He's just a kid, he doesn't bite. Hard." She teased.

Belle laughed nervously. "Yeah, I mean sure I'll watch him...if you're sure?" She repeated.

"Seriously? I can't thank you enough." Relief flooded Anna's voice. "Can I meet you at Chris's house? I thought Jack would be most comfortable there."

"Uh...Yeah." Belle looked at the clutter that covered her desk. "I just have to get some stuff together at work and I'll be on my way."

"Thank you Belle. I know how crazy this seems. I'm usually much more put together than this." Anna swore.

"It's not a problem."

Belle hung up the phone and felt the color drain from her face. How was she going to entertain a 5 year old.

2 hours later a very tired jet-lagged Chris walked into his condo. He stopped when he heard voices coming from the living room. Quietly peeking around the corner, he watched Belle and Jack with a smile.

Sitting cross legged on the floor with what felt like a million of lego pieces surrounding her Belle continued explaining the directions, page by page, on how to build the Minecraft Zombie cave to Jack.

"OK," Belle tilted her head, "Do you see any of these little pieces?" She showed the booklet to Jack.

"Yeah." He slid around on the floor digging through the pieces. He handed her the piece.

"Thank you! I think we need another one."

Jack immediately handed her another one.

"You're really good at this." Belle took the piece from him.

"Thanks. I have a lot of legos. My daddy is a lego."

"I know." Belle continued building. "He's Emmett! That's pretty cool."

"I guess." Jack didn't sound impressed as he scooted around on the floor fiddling with different lego pieces. "It would be cooler if he was Batman though."

Belle stifled a laugh. "Yeah....but your dad is Star Lord."

"Yeeeah, I really like Captain America though."

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