I gasped and jumped hearing glass breaking I started to jog I felt like screaming and crying but I tried to be silent I started to whimper as I heard sticks behind me cracking I started a full on run

They started running too my chest heaved I realized I wasn't sure if I was still going straight

I screamed out loud as something grabbed me I felt leather gloves on my neck I started struggling I dropped into a squat to escape his grip and took off again clawing at the ground before regaining my up right position I heard him groan in annoyance

I jumped over a log I was so close I gagged as the hands were back but this time they yanked me back I fell back into their chest I tried to dig my nails into their hands but the gloves prevented me from serious damage I tried to look up and get a good look at their face I reached up and swatted at the sunglasses but missed my vision was getting blurry and I could barely make out where my hand was going

"HOLY SHIT" I was dropped

My head hit the ground making a loud thud and I gasped for air I turned over and started to cough

I was dizzy and my eyes drooped heavily

"Alexis?" I lazily turned my head and saw a huge man blocking the sun from my eyes but it was too much for me it was all too much for me rolled onto my back and gave in to the throbbing of my head I jerked as I was lifted off the ground

"I got cha" I went limp in the arms holding me


I fluttered my eyes open and whined loudly "ooh my head"

"BABY GIRL!" I squinted and whined at the yell I gasped as arms wrapped around me

Harry! it was Harry!

I wrapped my arms around him "my head hurts" I whispered to him

"Your head? What about your neck fuck" he kissed me and I was still too dazed to kiss back

"He dropped her back on her head" Harry's father he's the one that picked me up "he dropped her as soon as he saw me" his frowned deeply "Alexis did you get a look at him? Know who he is?"

I shook my head "n-no I tried to get his glasses off but I couldn't see all I saw was he had blonde hair" I know that wasn't helpful

"That's okay it's okay I don't blame you I know you were panicky" Harry nodded stroking my hair I calmed down a lot just because he was touching me Edward's phone rang and he excused himself to answer

"We'll find out who he was we've got our best trackers out and I'm getting you car repaired" Harry smiled

"M-My car?" I furrowed my eyebrows "what's wrong with my car?"

"Windshield was shattered but nothing was taken" he explained farther I nodded and rubbed my head

"I wanna go home please" I pouted rubbing my head

"Okay come here I'll carry you home sweet girl" Harry picked me up making me squeak and clutch onto him he rubbed my back

Edward re-entered "its male human based on hormones he's about middle aged" he relaid the info he heard and no disrespect but I knew all of that "he took off west out of the woods scent is lost a quarter of a mile down the road" okay that I didn't know

"Human?" Harry repeated

"Yeah why?"

"A little human followed me into the woods a few weeks ago I didn't see him but it was defiantly male" Harry's tone dropped

"A spy maybe? From another den wolf scent is much stronger than human maybe they are playing off that?" Edward suggested

"Maybe... I'm gunna bring her home thank you for taking care of her" Harry nodded to his father

"Of course" Edward nodded back

Harry walked us out and I stared at his face "there's something else isn't there?"

He rolled his jaw "those 2 men that were in your old apartment in wondering is one or both of them are behind this..." he trailed off "show me where you were at when he grab at you maybe his scent hasn't worn away yet"

He walked along the edge I shivered seen the fallen log I almost hurtled earlier "there" I pointed he walked us over he set me down he walked over and sniffed he even knelt on the ground he growled darkly

"Dammit too many wolves have passed here is smells like the pack" he snapped around his face looked pissy he opened his arms "come on Baby girl" I walked over and he picked me up again holding my thighs

"I'll get him I promise you this will not stand you are in danger and I won't rest till you're safe again" he kissed my temple I nodded those words meant a lot to me he's saved me once and killed for me twice

"I trust you... that's what mates do" I smiled weakly showing my trust in him "I love you"

He smiled widely "I love you more and if comes to it I might just tie us together" he joked lightening the mood

"No objections here"

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