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(Thanks again Crystal for editing my story XD, This might be a common thing)

Chapter two

A large palace like building was in view, it had a colour scheme of white, different shades of orange and some green mixed together in a way that fit. There was also a large, decorated plate atop of the large doorway, in fancy writing was the words, 'Fairy Tail.'

The pinkette, Natsu stood in front of the doors to the building with Lucy and Happy who exclaimed, "Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

The green eyed female swiftly put her hood back on as she spied on the trio from behind a bush, slowly inching closer, testing her boundaries.

Natsu raised his leg and kicked the door to fairy tail open, Happy flying beside him, "We're back!" Natsu shouted, fire burning in his eyes.

Greetings from inside the building were heard, "There you go making trouble again, you half destroyed Harge." A male with bushy eyebrows and two buck teeth was cut off by a kick to the face by none other by Natsu.

Lucy saw the scene unfold and threw her hands up, freaking out, "Why?!"

Natsu had kicked the poor bloke into a table, the impact causing it to smash, the pinkette held his fist to the air and shouted, "That info about Salamander was a lie wasn't it?"
The guy he had kicked twenty meters from where he originally was jumped back up and retorted, "How would I know? I just told you rumours that were going around!"

Natsu grew an irk mark, "What'd you say?" His reply caused the guy with the buck teeth to retort, "You wanna go?"

Lucy was standing in the middle of the room, eyes wide and mouth open in shock as to what was happening. Tables were being thrown around, smashed, people were getting thrown around, everything was beginning to turn into utter chaos!

"Now, Now Natsu now's not the time to get-" Happy was cut off due to a body of a living person being thrown at him, the impact made Happy fly across a table.

Everyone in the guild had broke out into a fight.

"Huh, so Natsu's back?" A half naked male with a silver chain with a cross hanging on his neck and a marking on his chest, his appearance made Lucy freak out, "We're gonna finish what we started Natsu!" The half naked male moved his way over to the pinkette who was currently in a fight with a bunch of others.

A long haired, brunette woman was sipping away at some wine, she had a blue bikini top on and some orange knee-length shorts, "Gray.. Your clothes.." She spoke before sipping away at her wine again.

What she had said made the half naked male freak out, throwing his arms up in the air and looking down at his lower half, "Oops!"

"This is why all the men here have no class." She sighed before placing her glass of wine down and downing a barrel of booze, causing poor Lucy to go into slight shock.

The female in the cloak was standing openly at the doorway of Fairy Tail, if her face were visible it would show a confused yet shocked expression tinted over with some amusement, but she soon hid again in fear of being seen.

"All this crying and whining before noon, what a bunch of babies." A tan figure with tan skin, white hair and harsh eyes walked up towards the riot with his arms folded over his chest, "If you're a man, then talk with your fists!" He held his fist up to the air.

Natsu and the ashy haired boy who were previously fighting turned around in unison and punched the white haired male in the face, causing him to be jolted backwards and hit a wall, "Out of our way!" Natsu and the other boy shouted.

~(Another longish timeskip)

A pink mark, also known as the fairy tail guild mark was formed onto Lucy's left(?) hand, she looked at it in awe as the white haired woman known as Mirajane spoke, "With this you're now a member of Fairy Tail!"

Lucy fangirled for a little moment before scurrying over to Natsu who was busy looking at a board with paper stuck onto it, the board had a banner saying, 'request board' at the top of it, therefore making it the request board, "Natsu, Natsu look! I got Fairy Tail's Mark!" She spoke excitedly.

"You did? That's nice Luigi." Natsu spoke in a bored tone, not really paying attention to the energetic blonde who soon corrected Natsu in an annoyed and angry manor,"It's Lucy!"

~(Another timeskip, after this timeskip comes episode 5...)

"Mira-chan, three beers over this way, if you please!"

The familiar white haired female had a tray in one hand, the tray had three beers resting upon it, "Coming." She spoke with a smile.

"Come on, go out on a date with me, Mira-chan." A light haired brunette with hair like a cloud and a pipe coming from his mouth spoke.

"But Dear." Mira waved her free hand in her face, pink pixilation covered her face, soon replaced by smoke as Mira's face had changed into a much different woman's, "You have a wife, don't you?"

"Please stop that Mira-Chan!" The funky haired male whined as Cana downed some more beer complaining about how someday she'd drink in peace.

Natsu's chin was resting upon a table as he had a look of annoyance on his face, "I've got to do some job sooner or later." He grumbled as Happy has happily sitting on the table, chowing down on a fish, "Aye, we're running out of food money." Whereas Lucy was complaining about how she wished she had the 2, 0000, 000 Jewel that Natsu had turned down.


The wind was blowing rather peacefully, the cloaked female continued to spy on those of Fairy Tail, not yet daring to step foot inside the guild. She had her index finger to her chin as she was thinking but it soon came to a halt when a bunch of surprised gasps were heard followed by, "Erza's back!"

Footsteps trudged through the guild, followed by the sound of heavy armour, A female, wearing armour with scarlet red hair was in the guild, she dropped something on the ground, it was large and heavy, causing a loud 'thud' to be heard.

"I have returned." The scarlet haired woman stated, one hand on hip while other on the object she brought in, "Is master here?"

Lucy fawned over how pretty Erza was whereas Mira had informed her that master was at the regular meeting.

~(Wow so many timeskips! don't judge me.. it's 4am when i wrote this and i'm tired..)

The female in the cloak was standing at the doorway, her head peering into the guild, she was gazing at Erza, looking at her like she inspired her, she didn't even realise she was out in the open for all in the guild to see before she had heard a voice.

"Ara, looks like we have a stalker." Mira had clasped her hands together and looked at the cloaked female with a smile, making her sweatdrop at being found out.

She went to get up and move before everyone else in the guild could clasp their eyes on her but it was too late as her feet stopped touching the ground.

She looked up, scarlet red hair and fearsome brown eyes pierced into her soul, causing her to shrink back, "Who are you?" Erza questioned but there was no answer.

Erza sighed as she walked inside the guild, plopping the cloaked female on a barstool as she asked again, "Who are you?" 

Natsu came up beside Erza, "Your scent, I thought I've smelt you around the guild for awhile." He thought for a minute or two, "How long have you been spying on us?"

There were no words coming from the cloaked female's mouth, which was filling everyone up with annoyance and impatience.

The cloaked female reached both hands towards her hood and slowly removed it, showing her black hair, fairly tan skin and slightly dark, emerald green eyes, she looked at the members of the guild and smiled sheepishly.

She had some explaining to do.

A/n I actually finished writing this hours earlier before this was posted but i couldn't post it as soon as it was done because Crystal, my editor was sleeping XD so it'll be posted when she's awake and has edited this disaster.

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