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(My friend helped me edit this so I give credit to her for helping me! XD)

Chapter one

A cloaked figure wandered around, passing shops, buildings and houses of all sorts and colour. The figure stopped before entering a building, inside the building was a burst of colour, everything was colourful and valuable.

On the shelves were lamps, to books, they were all special in their own way.

The figure in a hooded black cloak looked around, gazing upon everything, it was a magic store, everything in there was apparently magical or had connections with magic.

"Hi, what can I do for someone like you?" An energetic voice boomed, startling the cloaked person, causing them to jump.

As they turned around they saw an old guy, he had wrinkles on his cheeks, just above his eyes, a green pointed hat on the middle of his head as his grey hair stuck out like a frayed broom.

The cloaked figure studied the guy's movements, not speaking nor moving.

"Ah! I know what I can do for you!" The old man picked up some sort of book, it had a transparent circle in the middle top half which was surrounded by a purple puzzle like piece, it also had some sort of marking in the middle in blue but below that was a larger transparent circle in the middle of the bottom half, this time it was surrounded by a yellow distorted sun like piece, the rest of the book was a dull shade of pink.

"That cloak is gloomy and mysterious, you should try out this ColousS Magic!" He then turned the book toward him and tapped it, "You can change the colour of your clothes to whatever you feel like for the day!" His fingers traced the bottom circle, the top one instantly glowing, a lime green magic circle appearing, the man put his hand behind his head in a pose and spoke, "Change like this!" His yellow outfit switching colour to a blue one.

The person in the cloak's body was moving up and down, they were silently laughing, they then shook their head and moved toward the exit.

Both of their hands rested upon the door that read, 'push' and that they did, they pushed the door open, instantly walking out.

While walking out they had bumped into a busty female, she had long, blonde hair which was falling just past her shoulders, her outfit was a blue and white shirt, matching her deeper blue skirt which had a brown belt attached, a darker brown rope like whip hung from the belt, "Sorry!" She spoke but had gotten no response from the cloaked figure, they just continued to walk.

The cloaked figure outstretched their arms in the air, their hood falling off, they had black hair, which was put back into a ponytail that stuck out at the side, parts of their fringe covered the left eye. Their face was slightly tan as the right eye was a dark shade of green, the cloaked figure was a she.

The girl quickly put their hood back on their head, looking around to see if anyone had seen her, sighing in content when nobody had.

She took a step forward only to be trampled by a crowd of passing females.

"He's in this  town?" One of the girls shouted as she ran passed with a bunch of others.

The girl in the cloak stood up, readjusting her hood and dusted herself off, looking in the direction the girls were running, she decided to follow them.

"Salamander-Sama!" A feminine voice called out.
"You're so wonderful!" Another shouted.
"Burn me!"  The girls continued to speak to someone.

In a few minutes the quiet, cloaked female had reached the area where all the girls had gathered, in the middle of them was a male with blue hair slicked to the right side of his face, he had a curved 'x'  marking on the exposed side of his forehead, his pupils were small and a darker brown. He wore showy clothing, a deep, rich purple cloak with a golden trim followed by a collared white undershirt and striped red leggings.

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