The last time he blindfolded me, it was entirely for my erotic experience and before that, he had surprised me with a garage room. I wondered what it would be this time? If he told me he had a secretive chamber beneath this floor, I'd faint.

“Just get it over with.” I finally replied, thinking about various ways he would surprise me with.

“That's not what I heard last time,” he commented with a knowing smirk but quickly dismissed as soon as I glared at him. He picked up his brown, long handkerchief from his closet before coming up behind me. “Just to be clear— This isn't an indication of a sexual act or a surprise orgy for that matter.”

“Sorry but you can't put ‘strip’, ‘sex’ and ‘orgy’ in the same sentence and class it off as platonic.”

A chuckle escaped him that sounded deeper behind my ears. His reflection in front of me seemed hideously excited like a kid who couldn't wait to show off his shitty drawings. It was all I saw, before I felt the fabric of the handkerchief, covering my eyes all the way to the back of my head. My vision turned black.

I kept guessing his surprise in my mind but a minute later, I realized I didn't have to. As I raised my hands and felt another fabric covering my upper body, I felt foolish for not guessing something so obvious. Not only a top but he made me wear something at the bottom, too. I closed my fists. He didn't have to do this.


“Thank me after you see it, babe.”

I thought he was done after making me wear my new clothes but no. Just as he finished putting clothes on me, I felt something being placed at the top of my head. For some reason, my skin tingled. I felt it when he dressed me up, I felt it when his hands adjusted to the strap of my skirt.

“Natasha, wow, you look—” He gasped somewhere from my left and the next moment, I felt his damp lips on my cheek. I didn't have time to be surprised as he led me by the hand. We walked a few steps until he stopped us. I could feel him getting giddy, in turn making me feel it, too. “Here, take a look at yourself.”

The material around my eyes loosened. When I opened my eyes to look at my reflection in the mirror, I blinked again.

The first thing that caught me was the material that covered my legs— a long skirt. It was white, adorned with darker shades of pink and purple flowers. My gaze lifted up to the maroon crop top, held by the straps around my arms. My hands then went to adjust the white floppy hat that accentuated the dress. I twisted around, admiring myself in the mirror when Rithik cleared his throat on purpose.

“Rithik, this is...” Wonderful, marvelous, touching? Honestly, I lost my adjectives. “Wow! Where did you get this?”

“From Shopper's stop. Went there a few days ago. I wasn't planning on buying but then I came across a mannequin who was wearing it and I couldn't look away. I wanted you to have it. That pretty sum of money I earned in the last bet came in handy, too. You look lovely.” His arms came around my waist while his head rested at the crook of my neck. He was looking at me through my reflection now, “I know this isn't your usual shorts, jeans or suits but thought you should try something different... You can return if you don't like it.”

“No, no, I love it. I'm just surprised. I didn't think long skirts would suit me, but they did. Guess I should buy them more often.”

“Glad.” His shoulders sagged after hearing my opinion. Guess my opinion really mattered, huh? He continued, whispering sweet compliments on my ear while still sticking onto me.

“Will you get off me now?”

“Never,” he mumbled, kissing my bare shoulder, almost making me shiver. Almost. 

NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now