So here he was in your living room. Asleep. On your lap. You smiled, a real smile and play with his hair that was in his usual pineapple ponytail. After a while you got bored and moved his head on the floor gently. You stood up and something grabbed your wrist, more like someone.

You turned to the pineapple and he opened one eye and stared at you. You felt blood rushing on your pale cheeks, but controlled your heated face. He pulled you down and spread his arm. Your head landed on his arm, and he wrapped his other arm around your stomach keeping you in place.

"Shikadai, what are you doing?"

You asked looking at him curiously.

"Just sleep"

He said smirking and closing his eyes, tighting his grip around you. You sighned and closed your eyes, snuggling more into his chest.


You didn't understand why, but for some reason this blond attracted you. He was in the office with the blond hokage Naruto talking about Hokage things they usually talk about. While he was just standing their boredly with his arms on the back of his head.

You watched him closely, with the sand surrounding you protectively, from the young blond. Naruto noticed that you eyed his son and he not noticing at all from your stare. He nudged his son and motioned him to you. The blond looked at you and you kept staring at him. He slightly waved at you awkwardly as you returned it with a nod.

You walked closer to the blond and took your hand put to him. Gaaras eyes softened and smiled, that you gotten out of your shell and took the first move. He shook your hand and you tried to smile, but came out as a smirk. Eh, theirs always a next time.

"Asahi of the sand"

"Boruto Uzumaki"

You nodd your head and went back to your father's side who patted your back proudly.


You weren't sure if it was right. But it is okay to have a crush toward an uncle that isn't related to you, right?

You placed around your room, with a thinking face on. The members were on the living room doing whatever. You sighed and sat on the floor, feeling all your energy drained.

I mean it's okay, he's not related to you or anything. But he's WAY older than you and a guy. You groaned in annoyance and fall back on your back, your arms and legs wide. You stared at the ceiling and came in Tobi/Obito.

"What is Asahi doing?"

He asked in his childish voice. You turned your head to him and smiled. The childish man ran to you and layed down next to you.

"Something bodering you?"

"No, just thinking"

"About what?"

"A person"

He tensed and turned his head toward me, his sharigan activated.


I laughed and grinned.

"It's a secret"

He groaned and looked back at the ceiling. One day Uncle Obito/Tobi. One day


He looks just like Dad in a way. He must be a fan of him. His name is Hoki Taketori.

Brown messy hair, an onyx eyes. He looks like Uncle Tenzo too. Could we be related, without me knowing it.

How you met him you may ask. You've been spending time with Uncle Iruka in the academy, and that's how you've met him.

Now here you are in with Iruka in Shino-sensei classroom. And their he is sitting in a desk staring right at you like you were something rare, which in a way you were. How many people do you see, looking like a splitting image of the legendary copy cat.

You were thankful of wearing a mask like your dad, that's covering your blush. You stared right back him boredly, doing a good job of hiding your real feelings.

One day you'll be mine


"Ne, Aunt Karin, it's normal to love someone more than a companion, right?"

You asked curiosly looking at your aunt that spit out her coffee. She snapped at you with a blushing face.

"Y-Yeah it is, why the sudden question?"

"If you love that companion, should you tell that lover immediately?"

You asked ignoring her question. She coughed, while cleaning the puddle of coffee.

"I think so, I don't know Asahi, but maybe it's the best option before someone else confeses their feeling to that companion"

She said sadly remembering her previous love interest. You nodd you're head and headed out to meet the companion. His name...................suigetsu.

You found him in the living room, reading a random book, along with  everyone else except Karin.

"Uncle Suigetsu?"


"I love you more than an Uncle and companion, do you share these feelings with me?"


Everyone screeched. Let's just say that it was best to tell him in private.


I'm sorry for taking too long to update.

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