C h a p t e r : 19

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*Flashback February 14, 1994

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February 14, 1994

"What all you get her?" Dalvin asked me.

I shrugged a shoulder "Not much, I didn't have enough money to have gone over the top but I guess she'll like it"

Before he could say anything else we heard a crowd of students "Awwww" they all cooed as this boy gave this girl a humongous teddy bear with a card and some candy. She took them and smiled, giving him a hug.

Dalvin waves them off "This day is corny to me" he shook his head.

I cackled "Yeah? You only saying that because you ain't got a girl"

"I could cuff one if I wanted to but nah"

From the corner of my eye I saw Aaliyah and her best friend Kidada walking down the hall. I smiled at the sight of her laughing, showing off her dimples. They both planned to come dressed in red today and she actually looked nice. I didn't want her to see me just yet, luckily she wasn't even paying attention.

It was going on fifth period and they were heading to the cafeteria with the rest of the students.

I pulled the bag and bear out of my locker and furrowed my eyebrows looking for the card I put in here "Yo you seen that bright pink card?"

He twisted his lips to the side then snapped his finger "Oh yeah I sat it in books so it wouldn't get all bent up" He grabbed his math book and pulled it out. It still looked fresh.

"Aight thanks man, let's go" I said and he put the lock back on the locker and followed me to the double doors of the lunch room.

Everybody made sure they came to school today, just to be sure they received some gifts from a secret admirer or something. I didn't even know it was this many kids in this school. I spotted liyah sitting over at the table talking and laughing.

Why was I so nervous? I was damn near shaking while walking up to her. We been together for five months now but everything still feel so new.

"AYE AALIYAH!" Dalvin yelled as we approached her which made everybody else snap their heads.

This boy was a fool.

She stood up as I came closer with all smiles "Happy valentines day!" I said.

"Awwww!" The others squealed "They is so cute!" I heard someone say.

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