C h a p t e r : 15

679 20 10


December 14, 1997Washington D

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

December 14, 1997
Washington D.C.

Tonight was a very special night for me but also nerve recking. I was invited to perform for the president in his program Christmas in Washington and I couldn't be any more happier.

He noticed my talent and wanted me to perform. They flew me and my family out to Washington D.C. two days ago in time for me to rehears and everything.

Even my cousins were here and everyone was proud of me.

"Breathe, take deep breaths" My mother told me as we waited backstage.

My nerves were getting the best of me, I started to panic "What if I forget the lyrics?"

Rashad slowly shook his head "Don't think like that you had two days of rehearsals, you got this"

My dad then walked over with Sariyah on his hip "You'll do great baby girl" he assured me "Just go out there and do what you do best" He gave me a kiss on the forehead as I smiled softly.

"Ms. Haughton your on in 5 minutes" The stage director told me before he walked off with his clipboard.

I nodded taking a deep breath.

"Sariyah baby tell ya mama good luck" Rashad told her while giving her a goofy smile.

She giggled "Good luck mommy" She said with that little voice and I leaned over to give her a kiss on her cheek "Thank you princess"

"We'll be out there in the crowd" Mama said and they all came in and gave me a hug.

Once they left from backstage I calmed myself down and got ready for the performance. Minutes after the last song ended I heard the lady announce my name for me to step on stage to sing The Christmas Song.

The crowd cheered as I slowly walked onto the stage. All the attention was on me as the lights dimmed and the instrumental started to play.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and begun to sing "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...Jack Frost nipping at your nose....Yule-tide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos"

I opened my eyes and observed the crowd while still focusing on the lyrics "Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe...Help to make the season bright, Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight"

A few people clapped and whistled and that somewhat calmed my nerves. I glared at the president while he gave me a look of adoration and satisfaction. Deep love & respect.

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