C h a p t e r: 2

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"Everything looks great" I nodded as I watched the director put the finishing touches on my music video, hot like fire

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"Everything looks great" I nodded as I watched the director put the finishing touches on my music video, hot like fire.

"I got a good feeling about this, the video looks amazing" Tim said sitting next to me.

Missy came back into the room after a phone call "That was Barry, he wanted me to tell you that you have a interview tomorrow"

"With who?"

She paused "umm I forgot" we all laughed.

I wasn't really feeling interviews. They ask more about my personal life than my career. I do them anyway because that's what the fans want. My management team lets me know I don't have to answer anything I don't want to, so I don't hesitate shutting the interviewers down sometimes.

"Whatever come check out the video, we're done editing it" I motioned her over to where we were sitting.

"Where's that lil bebe kid?" She asked referring to sariyah.

I chuckled "Rashad is watching her for me, I told him I would be busy"

"Oh yea I wanted to ask you about that" she shook her head "What the hell went down at your graduation"

I sighed rolling my eyes "Him and devante fought"

"What was he even doing there?" Tim asked.

"He was there supporting his boys and I guess when rashad and riyah were over by the snack table, he thought that was a good time to get her attention" I shrugged "He knows rashad doesn't like him"

"Wow" they all said in unison.

We suddenly heard the door open and then in came ginuwine "Hey everybody" he came over and dabbed up Tim.

"Hey G" I said as he pulled me into a warm hug.

"Congratulations on making it out of high school, even with all the stuff you were going through" he smiled in flopped in a seat.

"Thank you" I smiled back.



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