Chapter 12: New Raw Women's Champion

Start from the beginning

I went over to Roman and he hugged me tightly, along with his cousins. "Good luck. Give that bitch a piece of her mind." Jimmy told me. "You got this, girl." Naomi told me. "Thanks, guys." I told them as I went back into the ring. I looked at the ramp, ready for my opponent to come out. I cracked my fingers before I clenched my fists.

Call to me, Call to me

The crowd booed as she came strutting out. "And, her opponent! From Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer Rae!" JoJo announced. Summer strutted down the ramp as she flipped her hair, making me roll my eyes. She hopped on the apron and did her pose, making me roll my eyes. She then got off and I glared at her as we had a stare off.

"And, please welcome, the special guest referee for this match!" JoJo announced. Everybody instantly looked confused. Just then, the all too familiar theme played and out he walked, wearing a referee shirt. I didn't know what go do. I just froze on the spot. Is he really here? Why the hell is he here? Is he gonna try and help Summer win?

"What the hell? Dean Ambrose is going to be the referee for his exes?" Michael asked. "Well, Cole. There are rumors going around that Dean demanded he be the special guest referee. Nobody knows why." Jerry replied.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Dean Ambrose!" JoJo announced. Dean walked down the ramp before sliding into the ring. He came in and for some odd reason, he payed more attention to me than Summer. It was then he did something I didn't expect him to do. He patted my shoulder and I stared at him awkwardly. "Good luck." he told me before he kissed my cheek, which caught me off guard. I shook it off as he signaled for the bell to ring.

The bell rang and I instantly went after Summer. I tackled her to the mat and punched her trashy face in. I got up and kicked her before I grabbed her and Clotheslined her multiple times. I grabbed her and banged her head on the turnbuckle. I let her go as Dean came over. I grabbed Summer and threw her across the mat. I grabbed her and kicked her in the gut. I went for a pin.

"One! Two!" Summer kicked out. I groaned as I looked at Dean. "Come on, Dean!" I said as I got up. I grabbed Summer and I grabbed both of her arms and crossed them behind her back. She screamed as she thrashed her legs. However, she managed to break free, much to my shock. I groaned before I grabbed her, but she kicked me and punched me. She sent me to the ropes before she did her signature kick on me.

She then went for a pin. However, Dean didn't get down to count. Summer let me go and she looked at Dean. She screamed at him as he told her he was the referee and he is the one on charge. Taking advantage of the distraction, I rolled her up and pinned her. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out. I grabbed her and performed the Bankrupt on her. She rolled out of the ring, holding her head.

All the lumberjills began attacking her. Sasha and Charlotte began the assault first before Sasha threw her back into the ring. I grabbed Summer and performed the Twist of Fate. I then decided to go to the ropes. I climbed to the top and balanced myself for the Moonsault. I leapt, but I felt myself collide with the mat, making me grab my leg.

"Tanya landed hard! She's writhing in pain! Hang in there, Tanya!" JBL encouraged. I got up, but was met with a kick to the face by Summer. She got my arms and set me in her submission move. I screamed in pain as I thrashed my legs. "Come on, Tanya!" Bayley encouraged me. Summer went for a pin, but I kicked out. She put more pressure, making me scream more.

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