•20 - We Have An Announcement To Make ...•

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Originally, Chapter 20 was supposed to be Jealousy and Envy, and the parents were never going to find out about the pregnancy (you guys will later find out why), but the comment posted in the last chapter about the parents' reaction inspired me to write this chapter !! So Deanna, this chapter is for you 💕💕💕 !!

"Oh my goodness, look at the baby, it's so little," Aaliyah happily expressed as she looked at the unborn fetus on the computer monitor.

"Omg, hi niece! I'm your auntie Lauren," Lauren said to the monitor.

"And I'm your auntie Selena."

"What makes y'all think we havin' a girl?" Bryon questioned.

"Right, for all we know she could be a he," added Eric.

"Well I want y'all to have a girl," Lauren said.


"Because y'all gone name her after me."

Bryon lowered his eyelids at Lauren. The nurse chuckled.

"Awww the baby looks like a little peanut," Janeé smiled.

"We gone have to name it 'Lil' P Nut Head Jr'," Bryon joked. Janee softly mushed his head.

Janeé learned that she was three weeks along and was due to have her child in September.

"I still can't believe we got a lil' shorty on the way, babe," Bryon said as he softly squeezed Janeé's hand.

"I know, it just doesn't feel real."

"I can't wait til she gets here so I can spoil her and make her outfits," Selena said.

"Well shoot if it's a boy you can still make cute outfits for him."


"Have y'all told moms and pops about it yet?" Eric asked.

"No, but we figured that we're going to tell them today, I mean they're gonna eventually find out so why not just get it over with?"


"You ready to get this over with?" Janeé asked Bryon as they stood in front of her dad's office.

"Not exactly," he replied.

"Well we gotta tell them, we can't keep it from them any longer, babe."

"Yeah you right, let's do this."

"But wait, how we gone break it to 'em though?"

"We just gone barge in there and I'ma be like 'yo dawg we pregnant!'"

Janeé lowered her eyelids, "Really, Bryon? We pregnant?"

"Shit, you know what I meant, she pregnant."

"Eric must have told you to say that."

"Hell, it sounded like a good idea at one point."

Janeé cocked her mouth to the side with her eyelids still lowered. She knocked on the door and opened it, "Daddy, you busy?"

"No baby girl, come in, we need to talk to you," Terrence answered.

Janeé and Bryon stepped in.

"Bryon will you excuse us for a minute, honey?" LisaRaye politely asked.

"Mama, we have to talk to you about something so I think it's best that he stays in here with us."

"Ok but first, we have something to say."

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