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Please Read down to the very end, it's important:

Guys, I've decided that I'm going to end this story. Why ? I've lost interest in it. Tbh I don't like this story after reading through it, it kind of sucks. Plus I ran out of ideas to write in the next few chapters. I've tried all I could to think of something. But after today, I'm finished with South Central L.A. for good! Oh and more more thing to say before y'all go ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

JUST KIDDING !!! APRIL FOOLS !!!!! I been planning to get y'all with this prank for a week (sorry I had to do it) !!!! This story ain't goin' nowhere !!! I got 29 chapters so far and I'm 17 chapters in on here so far so I still got a lot of editing to do !!! This story is based in my native home and features all the people I love and listen to; so it means a lot to me and I love all y'all who have read, commented, and voted !!! Even the ghost readers !!! I wouldn't be at almost 1k reads if it wasn't for y'all !!!! Sooooooo I'll have a chapter posted later this evening !!!! I promise !!!! So let me get ready for church !!! I'll be back later tonight!!

P Nut Has Spoken

South Central L.A •90s•Where stories live. Discover now