•4 - First Day of School•

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"Princess Janeé Richardson, get yo ass up!" Layzie said to his sister. Janeé hated when her brothers called her by her full name. And it wasn't like she didnt like her first name, she just preferred to be called by her middle name.

"Lemmelone!!" she said as she stuck her head under the covers. It was 6 am and officially the first day of her sophomore year at South East High School.

"Nigga, it's 6 a.m., wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Naw, nigga, it ain't the 1st of the month!"

"Awh you got jokes, huh?"

"No, now get away from me!"

"Bro, it's the first day of school, now get up so you can get ready!"

"Nooo, I don't wanna go to school!"

"It's school, you have to go."

"Why you in here messin with me ? Go wake everybody else up!"

"Everybody's up but you, now get up, andelé!"

"Make me, nigga!"

"Aight, you asked for it."

All of a sudden, Janeé felt a cool breeze over her body. Layzie had snatched her blankets off of her body. He then grabbed her ankles and proceeded to drag her out of the bed.

"STEVEN, WHAT IS YOU DOIN?!" Janeé yelled as she held on to her headboard and mattress for dear life.

"I told you to get yo ass outta bed!" Layzie responded.


Aaliyah and the others were downstairs in the kitchen. They all heard a scream and a loud 'THUMP!'


Layzie softly slapped his sister upside the head and got up from the floor, "I love you too, now get yo ass up and get ready."

After Layzie walked out of her room, Janeé groaned, grabbed her school clothes and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. When she finished, she headed to the kitchen and noticed her oldest brother Stanley was in the kitchen with the rest of her siblings.

"Hey big bro what you doin over here?"

"I came by to see y'all off for y'all first day of school. Why was you in there screamin like you was dyin'?"

"Because yo brother dragged me out the bed!"

Everybody burst out into laughter.

"Lay, that was mean," Aaliyah smiled as she took a bite of her bacon.

"She wouldn't listen to me so I had to get her out of bed somehow."

"So, my lil niggas is starting senior year, I'm proud of y'all," he said as he put his arms around Aaliyah and Steven.

"I know, Im so excited! Prom, parties, graduation, I'm so ready."

"You gone go with my nigga Eric to prom this year?"

Aaliyah cocked her mouth to the side.

"Naw, I got someone else in mind."

"Y'all, I had the worst dream ever!" Janeé said to her siblings.

"It must not have been that bad if you was refusing to get out of bed," Flesh said.

"Right?" Aaliyah agreed.

"If I told y'all what happened, y'all wouldn't believe it."

"So what happened to where your dream was so bad?" Lauren asked.

South Central L.A •90s•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon