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Two fingers go past Yoongi's tongue eventually stopping at their destination, his uvula. All he had to do is tickle it a bit before his meal from lunch comes up through his esophagus, and out of his mouth. Suddenly he doesn't feel so bloated, like twenty pounds have just been lifted off of his body. It feels amazing.

"F-fuck" The burn in his throat has become more intense this past week. Probably from making himself throw up more recently. It hurts so much, but Yoongi deserves this. He deserves this pain.

Getting up, Yoongi's knees shake from the exertion. He's so tired all the time - he feels like death.

Quickly washing his hands, Yoongi goes back to the hospital room.

It's been three days since the incident and they've all decided to go to their classes and whenever they're not there, they're in the hospital with Hoseok.

Collapsing into the chair, Yoongi notices Jungkook is missing but besides him, everyone including Seokjin, is there either doing homework or simply looking off into space.

Hoseok was the sunshine of the group and without him everyone feels as though a piece of them has died.

Yoongi closes his eyes before looking out the window. The snow falls beautifully from the sky, and It's so pretty Yoongi has to keep himself from reaching his hand out to the glass. He misses pretty things.


Jungkook had just finished exiting the cafeteria before he hears a choking sound. He follows the sound and turns a corner to where he finds a single-roomed bathroom. Jungkook stops outside the door, suddenly a bad feeling washing over him.

He hides, waiting to see who's going to come out of the bathroom. The choking, actually Jungkook relies it sounds more like someone is throwing up, eventually stops and the door opens a minute later.

Jungkook has to stop himself from doubling over. His Hyung, his soft and cute Hyung, comes out of the bathroom looking like death and he almost walks over to him but notices Yoongi's swollen fingers. Jungkook remembers when he had a friend that had an eating disorder. He would often go to school with swollen fingers.

Piecing the evidence together isn't hard and Jungkook has to choke down a sob.

The walls are closing down on him but all he can think about is Yoongi. His beautiful, innocent hyung is hurting himself and his heart clenches in his chest. Having someone you love hurt themselves intentionally is one of the worst feelings.

Panic flows through his veins. Yoongi is supposed to be innocent. He shouldn't know the hell and evil of this earth like Jungkook does, but this shows differently. And that's terrifying to Jungkook. Not only can he not save Hoseok, but he can't save Yoongi either.

Crashing to the floor, Jungkook barely registers entering the bathroom himself. He feels bile wanting to be released from his stomach, but he stays strong. Jungkook puts his wrist under cold water and forces himself to breathe.

He's okay.

And he's going to save Yoongi. Even if he himself gets hurt.


It's been five days since Hoseok overdosed. Yoongi notices that Jungkook has gotten a little bit more protective but besides that, they all resemble zombies.

But all it takes is one minute for everything to change.

Yoongi's reading a book when Hoseok shoots up from his laying position. Namjoon shouts, obviously scared from the movement before they're all gasping. Hoseok's awake!

Jimin's the first to reach Hoseok.

"You dumb piece of shit." Jimin whispers while bringing Hoseok into a hug and cries. Jimin feels himself smiling through the tears. He knows they should all be calling for the doctor but all Jimin can think about is Hoseok.

Suddenly he's being ripped away from Hoseok and then Taehyung's filling his position. "Hyung I missed you so much!" Taehyung wraps himself around Hoseok, never wanting to let go.

Seokjin seems in shock, while Yoongi's crying from joy. After Taehyung stops hugging Hoseok, Yoongi fills his spot.

Yoongi can't form any words, completely speechless. This was all happening so fast. He hugs the other, as if when he let go the other would disappear. Yoongi finishes hugging Hoseok, practically squeezing the life out of him. Then Jungkook is next.

"Hyung! Hyung!" Hoseok coos at Jungkook, wiping tears out of his eyes.

Finally it's Seokjin.

"Scare Hyung like that again and you'll need to go back here." He threatened but held a smile on his face. Hoseok smiled back, and they all had to stop themselves from choking back a sob. Their sunshine was back.

Yoongi is about to question where Namjoon is before he enters with a doctor trailing behind him. Yoongi didn't even see him leave.

The doctor smiles before walking up to Hoseok. Everyone makes a path for her, although slightly hesitant. Hoseok only just woke up and they can't have a moment alone with him.

She does a regular check up before smiling.

"Your bruises seemed to have healed and your damaged lung looks to be in better shape. I would just say take it easy for now. Okay, now I want to talk about your mental state. It's mandatory to start seeing a psychiatrist once every week. I'll set up an appointment, but besides that, that's all we're allowed to do. The police will arrive tomorrow, all you'll have to do is answer some questions." She smiles sadly before patting his knee in a comforting manner and exiting the room.

Once she leaves the room relaxes a bit. Namjoon walks over to Hoseok, crushing him in a hug.

"You may be older but if you do that again I won't be afraid to hit you." Just like Seokjin, his threat obviously wouldn't be carried through with, but Hoseok is back together with his family, and he needs to tell them something very important.

Hoseok smiles, the smile practically lighting up the room.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty tough." His expression suddenly turns dark.

"I'm trusting all of you with this information but no one else is to know about this." Hoseok's seriousness makes everyone nervous. He's never strict or serious.

"I didn't overdose. I was actually drugged."

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