[18] The Second Day

Start from the beginning

        "Its true Hiccup! We were gathering some berries when a vine suddenly attacked us." Fishlegs supported, he looked like he was telling the truth. Hiccup got on a thoughtful look, as everyone turned to him.

        "I need to see this myself. Can you show us the place?" Hiccup asked Snotlout and Fishlegs. Fishlegs nodded, but Snotlout just repeated that they weren't making this up. And in all honesty, you were curious too. So Hiccup allowed you to climb onto Toothless with him to let you see as well. Though it was clear he was seriously doubting them.

~~( Time skip Cause author-chan is lazy :3)~~

        "I swear Hiccup! It was right here!" Snotlout repeated for the fifth time.

        "Yeah  well, you got my hopes up for nothing." Tuffnut pouted.

        "We're out of here." Ruffnut announced, climbing onto Barf and Belch with her twin before flying off.

        "This was a waste of time." Astrid said rudely, before mounting Stormfly and flying off after the twins.

        "I'll keep looking, but you two should go help the others find breakfast." Hiccup ordered. "Take (Y/N) with you," he added.

        "Fine," Snotlout groaned, then got on Hookfang. Fishlegs also mounted his dragon.

        "I'm staying." You say stubbornly, crossing your arms. Hiccup locked gazes with you, and you held your gaze firm. Determined not to give in. He sighed, seeing that he can't change your mind, and waved the two riders off. You watched them go before returning to your surroundings and Hiccup.

        "So, plants really attack people?" You asked, feeling doubtful about it.

        "No, they probably just got tangled up in the foliage." Hiccup looked, probably looking around for evidence to support his theory. You decided to be helpful and looked around as well. Well, there's trees, bushes, grass, claw mark, sweet smell of flowers in the air. 'Wait... a claw mark?!' You snapped your attention back to a thick old tree, and sure enough, there are claw marks across its bark. You walk closer to the tree to investigate. Putting your hand up the cut, you know only a dragon could've been big enough to make this.

        "Uh, Hiccup." You call, looking over your shoulder to see him looking down at a battered bush. He looks over at you just as Toothless starts snarling at you. Hold on, you notice that the Nightfury isn't looking at you, but rather something behind you. Hiccup's sudden change in expression from normal to wided eyed and slightly gaping mouth only confirms it. You gulp. It's behind you isn't it?

        "Don't, make, a sound." Hiccup whispered. "Quietly walk over to me." You nod in response, feeling too scared to do anything else. And your imagination wasn't helping by running wild picturing the dragon behind you. That's when a strong sweet scent floats to your nose, and you're suddenly reminded that you haven't had breakfast yet. You get two steps in when your belly rumbles loudly, making you freeze on the spot. A low growl comes from behind you, and you hear something shifting in leaves. You gave into temptation and looked behind you. And there, up in the branches of the tree, eight eyes are staring back at you. Eight eyes upon four leaf green dragon heads. You really regretted turning around now.

        "(Y/N)." Hiccup's voice warned, backed up by Toothless's growl. The farthest two dragon heads looked away from you and at the rider and Nightfury behind you. Their eyes narrowed, before all the heads let out a roar sounding like its mixed with a hiss. Revealing terrifying triple-split jaws and weird three tongues on each head as it launched out of the tree.

        Your instincts kicked into gear and made you throw yourself to the side to dodge. When you righted yourself, you noticed that Hiccup had done the same. And Toothless is viciously snarling at the dragon in full view. Seeing it, pulled at something at the back of your mind, and a single word floated to the surface, Snaptrapper.

        One of the dragon... er, Snaptrapper's heads snapped at Toothless. The Nightfury swiftly leaped aside before tacking the dragon's side. The bundle of green and black limbs tumbles about as they fought before they disengaged from each other. Hiccup stepped towards the dragon and pulled out his flame sword. Making the Snaptrapper think twice about lunging at him. You somehow knew that Hiccup's fire sword would only do so much, and it would be disastrous if it spewed its gas.

        You quickly looked around for anything useful. You spotted a thick branch. 'That's going to have to do.' You grabbed it and ran up to Hiccup's side. One of the heads prepared to spew its gas.

        "Hiccup! I highly suggest you put your sword away please!" You yelled. He looked at you questionably, and hesitated for a moment, before doing as told, and just in time, as gas from two heads rained down on you two. You moved away from the gas and found yourself facing its side. Toothless had somehow appeared next to you, flaring his wings threateningly. Hiccup is separated from you and on the other side of the dragon. The Snaptrapper noticed this and lunged for him with all four heads. Its split tail whipped towards you, and you yelped when you were suddenly yanked backwards by your shirt collar by Toothless, out of harms way. Toothless put you down when you saw the Snaptrapper trip Hiccup, and prepare to strike with its razor teeth.

        "NO!" You screamed, and without thinking, you jumped onto the Snaptrapper's back before Toothless could stop you. You wrapped your arms around the base of the necks to stay on, throwing the dragons aim off and missing Hiccup. It screeched and the heads started lunging at you, while it bucked in hopes of kicking you off. It worked and you were roughly thrown to the ground. On the way down, a talon scratched your leg. It wasn't deep, but it stung. You looked up to see Hiccup standing in front of you.

        "You okay?!" He looked at you worried.

        "Yeah." You replied, getting up and gripping the branch you still had tightly. "But we need to do something about this dragon!" Hiccup paused, thinking.

        "We need water!" Hiccup said jumping back from an attacking head. You immediately swung your branch, making it rear away. Toothless blasted at the Snaptrapper, making it back off a few feet. You remembered you had fitted a small extra water bottle in your sash. You pulled it out now, it only had enough for one drench. You looked at Hiccup with a look of 'You thinking what I'm thinking?' He seemed to get the idea.

        "I'll group them together. Get ready!" You nodded as Hiccup waved his hands to get the dragons attention. You watched as he managed to keep two on him, and Toothless got a third. The forth refused to group up with the others. So you came forward and swung your trusty branch at it so it would bunch up with the others.

        "NOW!" Hiccup signaled. You quickly uncapped the bottled and splashed it on all the heads at once. The dragon roared before rearing up on its hind legs. Then abruptly took off to the sky, and thankfully away from camp. 'Must really not like being splashed.' Now that the Snaptrapper has fled, all you hear is the heavy breathing of Hiccup and you. Who knew fighting a dragon is tiring?

        "Whew. That was something." Hiccup smiled, looking over at you.

        "It certainly was." You breathed, throwing the branch to the side.

        "Heh, you did a pretty good job defending yourself." Hiccup complemented.

        "Thanks. Not so bad yourself." You joked, looking into Hiccup's eyes as he looked into yours. You couldn't help but notice how bright his green eyes were. The lighter shaded flecks shine in his nearly ivy green eyes despite the exhaustion dulling them.

        You noticed that you had been staring into each other's eyes for almost a minute. Hiccup seemed to realize this too because he looked away the same time as you. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. Toothless laughed at the two of you. Hiccup lightly pushed his nose away in response. You felt your face heat up more as you looked at the ground. Unknown to you, Hiccup was blushing as well.

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