30• Grind On Me

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the next day
everything was set up to film our video. i had on my swim suit while the twins wore their swim trunks and wore their hats backwards.

Ethan had to sit on the edge because of his leg.

we had already filmed the intro and the instructions so now it was just time to play HOT TUB CONFESSIONS 2 PLUS DARES

"i'll go first!" Ethan said, smirking.

"Grayson, confess you and Maddie's relationship."

Grayson face palmed as me and Ethan laughed.

"well me and Maddie started dating two days ago. she went to live with her mom after...well never mind. she went to live with her mom and i could barely last a week so i drove all the way to Michigan to get her and she finally gave in so now she's living here again."

Ethan chuckled. "okay and Maddie...i dare you to... hijack Grayson's phone and post whatever you want on twitter, snapchat, and instagram."

i looked at Grayson and started to laugh my ass off.

"no!" Grayson shouted.

"don't worry." Ethan said, a little over friendly. "you'll get to delete it...in like three days."

i grabbed Grayson's phone and logged onto it.

on twitter, i posted:
i love it when you call me daddy
from one of their old vids.

on instagram i posted a picture of Grayson in his new car and commented:
ready for them Tuesday selfies. they really turn me on😉🤤

"why are you doing this?" Grayson asked, covering his face.

i continued to ponder on what i should put on snap while Ethan kept laughing.

on snapchat i posted a mirror picture of Grayson wearing a button up and typed:
getting a boner just thinking of you💛

both Ethan and i fell back laughing as i posted it.

"WHY!" Grayson shouted, laughing himself.

he looked straight at the camera. "guys, that was all them! i never and i would never say anything like that so i'm sorry for them!"

"okay, okay. it's my turn. Ethan...confess. hmm.. i don't know, confess anything you haven't told Grayson or me."

Ethan closed his eyes and pursed his lips. "uh..." he shook his head. "i can't do it, i can't do it." he started to laugh and places his hands over his rosy cheeks.

"tell us!" Grayson demanded.

"Gray, you cant get mad. but... i kinda had feelings for Maddie."

Grayson clenched his jaw and i was taken off guard.

"well i did see you kiss her so i'm not as mad as i wa-."
i automatically covered Grayson's mouth with my hand.

"okay, let's keep going." i said, but it was too late.

"kiss you? when did i kiss you?" Ethan asked.

i sighed. "on the mountain. that's why you have a broken leg. Grayson got mad and pushed you. he felt horrible though."

Ethan was shocked and then started to laugh. Grayson apologized. "it's alright, dude. it's done with." Ethan said.

"okayyy." i said, changing the subject. "Grayson i dare your to...uh, grind." i smirked towards the end of my sentence.

"are you serious?" he asked.

"yep. and i know you can do it because ever since that video of you, Ethan, and Nate grinding, i haven't been able to keep my eyes off of it. i need to see it in person." i laughed.

"didn't you see enough lasts night?" he asked.

"grayson!" i smacked him on the shoulder.

"woahhhh!" Ethan said, laughing. "what'd y'all do last night?"

he shook his head and laughed, getting out of the hot tub.

he dried off real quick and made his way to the purple couch as i Ethan followed with the camera.

"alright, Maddie. play the music."

i grabbed my phone and started to play Grind On Me.

once it hit the chorus, Graysons hands came down to a hand stand on the couch and slowly landed into a grind. he repeatedly did it, as always.

i cocked an eyebrow and couldn't help but lick my lips at the hotness.

"damn." i muttered.

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