8• Not Me

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DONT START THE SONG YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we drove a little ways and stopped about thirty minutes later.

"here we are." Grayson said.
the other guys were already standing at the door.

"skating..." i laughed. "we're skating."

"is that okay?" Ethan asked, worried.

"yeah, of coarse! i love skating. i just haven't been in forever." i explained.

Ethan nodded, as did Grayson.

"we haven't been in a while either." Grayson said.

"Gray, we went two weeks ago." Ethan said, laughing

we approached Blake, Luke, and Brett.

"hey, Stewart." Brett said with a wink. i gave a small wave.

"well let's go." Grayson said.

we walked inside and looked around. the place was huge. party areas, arcade, concession stand, and of coarse, the skating rink.

all of us walked up to the front desk and gave the woman our shoe sizes. the Twins bought my way in even though i told them i could get it. we all put our shoes on and i slowly stood up, wobbling.

"you got it?" Brett asked, grabbing my arm.

i laughed. "yeah." i looked to my right and saw Grayson clench his jaw.

slowly, we all skated our way to the rink. on my left, there was Brett, Ethan, and Blake and on my right, there was Grayson and Luke.

we all skated around the rink, each of us falling on our butts and laughing. one time i fell back and Grayson caught me.

as we skated our third round—each of us getting faster—i felt a hand grabbing mine. it was Brett's. i decided to allow it.

that's when one of my favorite songs started playing.


we skated as the song went on, hand in hand. i could feel Grayson by my side and he soon moved to be near Ethan.

i started to mumble the song.

"she wants a granddaddy preaching the service."

Brett smiled at me. after the song ended (PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG TIL THE END!💖)
we all skated to the front and turned in our shoes.

Brett was still holding my hand.
i don't know why i'm allowing this, i thought.

Grayson was talking to Ethan about lunch and Luke and Blake were talking about their girlfriends. Brett pulled me to the side where we weren't surrounded but everyone could still see us.

"you look beautiful today." he said.

my cheeks began to fluster. i pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear. "thank you." i said. i sighed.

that's when he leaned in. what in the hell was i suppose to do now?!

is he gonna kiss me? hug me? what? i was confused and i just stood stiff.

but the first option was right. he closed the gap between us and crashed his lips to mine. it wasn't a kiss i'd want to remember though. i pulled away. "what're you doing?" i asked, calmly.

"well...i sorta thought." i could tell he didn't know what to say. i slowly took my hands away from his. "no" was all i said.

he looked down and nodded. "Brett, i like you. but...not like that, ya know?" i kind of felt bad. i've never had a guy actually like me. "is there someone else?" he asked.

was there? "no. i just...i want to be friends. will you be okay?" i could feel the boys' eyes on us. Brett looked up and smiled contently. "of coarse. and i'm sorry."
"well don't be sorry." i said, "you didn't really do anything wrong."

we walked back to the group and something was different. not the tension between us and not the boys all silent. something was off. then i realized what it was.

Grayson was gone.


i had just turned my shoes in to the front desk when i saw Brett pull Maddie aside. i clenched my jaw. i don't know why i was acting like this.

i heard him call her beautiful. and then they kissed. wait...they kissed?!

i squinted and my eyes weren't tricking me. i didn't know what i was doing. next thing i knew i was running out the door. why? i didn't know. maybe i liked Maddie. if seeing her with another guy makes me jealous, then that must be it. but i knew what this meant. she was with Brett now. i was too late.

heyyy guys! so how was this chapter? please leave comments and don't forget to rate. ily guys so much and thanks for reading. suggestions are always welcomee💖PEACE!✌️

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