29• Truth

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Maddie's POV
the next morning, i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping.

i smiled as i felt Grayson's grip around my waist tighten. i had no clothes on. then i recalled last night.

QUICK AUTHORS NOTE: i don't write smutty stuff but you get the idea that they did it lol

i stood up from the bed and slipped on a bra, panties, one of Gray's hoodies and a pair of jeans.

he woke up and rubbed his eyes. "did you not bring clothes?" he asked.

i smiled and walked towards the bed. "i did. yours are more comfortable." i said, placing a kiss on his nose.

he rolled his eyes. "and you know it is summer, right?"

"now get up and get dressed. we need to get going." i grabbed a brush and a hair tie and quickly pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

"ready? for what?" he sat up and i turned around, trying to resist his flawless body.

"uh...we're leaving today. duh." i said, brushing my teeth.

"you're really going through with this?" Grayson asked.

i nodded. "yup."

after getting ready and packing

we were finally done so Grayson checked us out and i loaded the stuff into our truck.

"well, let's get started."
i beamed, hopping into the driver's seat and starting up the engine.

"why are you so happy about this?" he chuckled, stepping in.

i shrugged. "ready to see Ethan, i guess."

he clenched his jaw and i couldn't help but laugh.

"how's his leg?" i asked, pulling out of the hotel parking lot.

he looked up as if in deep thought.

"last time i checked which was...four days ago, he was doing better. he should be getting it off next week."

i nodded and turned up the radio.


it was my turn to drive once again. it wasn't as bad as we would've thought. our butts were getting numb though.

if i was driving, he was sleeping and if he was driving, i was sleeping. so thank God we weren't tired.

we stopped by a few gas stations every hour or so to get a snack, drink, and use the restroom.

"only seven more hours." i mumbled to myself. this was the longest i have every drove.


finally, we pulled into our road.

"Gray..." i said, yawning.

he fluttered his eyes open and looked at me questionably.

"ten minutes til we get there." i said.

"does Tiffany know you're coming back?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing the back of his neck.

i kept my eyes on the road. "nope, forgot to tell her. she won't mind though." i couldn't help but laugh. "she'd much rather have me stay with her and cause a hell of trouble then stay with my mom. or whatever she is. i don't really like to call her my mom."

Grayson chuckled.
"i wouldn't either."

soon enough, we pulled into the driveway.

Ethan came limping outside with his crutches.

i stumbles out of the car, ran up to him, and gently wrapped him in a hug.

"i missed you much more than this. i would be squeezing the hell out of you but you kind of have a broken leg so..." i laughed, pulling away.

"i missed you too. how are you bro?" he asked, turning his attention towards Grayson.

Grayson grabbed him in a side hug and smiled.

"good. you? how's that leg?"

Ethan smiled. "it's aight. so, Maddog...you back for good?"

i nodded. "forever and always."

"man," Ethan said, shaking his head. "if it wasn't for Grayson being so clumsy, we wouldn't have even known you."

i squinted my eyes in confusion. "huh?"

Grayson looked at Ethan as if telling him to shut up.

"crap, i forgot." Ethan laughed.

i looked at the twins back and forth.

"what? what'd you forget? what're you talking about?"
i was beyond confused.

Grayson sighed.
"you remember the day we met you? how we met you?"

i nodded slowly. "yeahhh. Ethan through a baseball to my face." i said laughing.

Ethan chuckled. "yeah, except i didn't."


"it was Grayson that hit you. he just blamed it on me." Ethan said, rolling his eyes.

then it all came back to me. Ethan running up to me and apologizing. he wasn't apologizing for hitting me, he was apologizing for having a brother that Grayson who hit me.

and the sarcasm in Graysons voice when he said 'geez, E! learn how to throw a ball!' and the way Ethan rolled his eyes. of coarse! i should've known!

i laughed. "so you hit me?" i asked.

Grayson looked down and rocked him self back and forth on his tippy toes.
"maybe." he said with a laugh.

i smiled. "i'm glad you did."

there will only be like two more chapters before this book ends💛

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