14• Safe Place

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i woke up to the sound of an alarm. i drowsily opened my eyes and hit the 'stop' button on my clock and sat up, rubbing my eyes. it was
9:42 a.m.

once i got out of bed, i walked to the bathroom and splashed my face with water. i brushed my hair and pulled it into a fishtail braid. i then applied my powder, base, and some mascara, and walked to my closet.

"what to wear, what to wear." i mumbled to myself.

i messed around with each of the fabrics until i finally came across one. i pulled it from its hanger and laid it down on my bed.

it was a red "pink" crop top and light blue jeans short shorts with my white adidas.

my phone started to ring to the song "Tuesday" as i picked it up.

"hey. you almost ready?" it was Ethan.

"yeah. i'm about to get dressed."

"alright. well i'm eating then i'll come and get you, aight?"

i chuckled. "alright, bro. see ya."


i slipped off my PJ top and put on my "pink" shirt.
i finished getting dressed and ran down stairs to grab some cereal.

i quickly ate that, brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone, and walked outside.

i waited on the steps and Ethan showed up in his truck a few minutes later.

i walked to the passengers side and opened the door, hopping in. i quickly buckled my seatbelt.

"hey, E." i said with a smile.

Ethan smiled back. "hey. you look nice."

i couldn't hide the blush that crept up on my face. "thanks. so, where's Gray?"

Ethan sighed as he started to drive off. "well, i tried to get him to get up. i was knocking on his door and he just said to leave him alone." he finished with a shrug.

i took a deep breath. "where are we going?" i decided to change the subject.

"it's a surprise."

i cocked an eyebrow.
"a surprise?"

i turned his head to looked at me and licked his lips.
"a surprise." he assured me.

i scoffed and shook my head. "can we listen to music?"
i asked, but before he could answer, i turned up the volume.

the song Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston was on.

Ethan and I sang along with each other.

"damn all these beau-tiful girls! they only wanna do ya dirt, they'll have you suicidal, suicidal when they say it's overrr."

we laughed all the way to this "secret place" and for once i didn't know where we were.

he pulled into some field. it was beautiful. it was covered with tall green grass, yellow flowers, and a hill.

Ethan put his truck in park.

"it's beautiful." i murmured as i stepped out of the truck.

"i thought you'd like it." we both slammed our doors shut.

"what is this place?" i stood there, looking around.

"me and Gray go here sometime when we need peace and quiet. sometimes when we need ideas for our videos. or just when we need to think and get away from troubles." he explained, as we hiked up the hill.

once we were there, we stopped to sit.
we were sitting inches apart.

"i've been needing this." i said with a sigh.

"needing what?" Ethan asked, looking at me.

"peace. a place to think."

"can i tell you something? without you interrupting me?" Ethan asked.

i nodded.

"you have to believe me. Grayson's my twin, i know him, okay? and he loves you. whether he's told you or not. he'd never do anything to hurt you. i get that he told you to move back but he was just scared." he rambled on and on until i finally had to stop him.

"E. i get it. but it's already done. i know Gray is a good guy and i know he never wanted to hurt me but...he did. and i've lost my trust. i'm sorry." i didn't realize i was starting to tear up.

he lifted my chin with his right hand and looked me in the eyes. "don't cry. please." he didn't pull away or look away.

we sat there staring into each other's eyes.
i was getting lost into his hazel ones.

next thing i know there was no space between us and his lips were against mine.

this is wrong, Maddie. what're you doing? i asked myself.

i knew i still liked Grayson.
i knew i was going to leave them in the morning and they would be history.
i knew that i was backstabbing Grayson by kissing his brother, but Ethan kissed me.

i didn't stop though. even though i knew this was wrong it felt right.

his lips were soft. the kiss was passionate. what have i gotten myself into? four guys in the past three months.

after a few seconds, we stopped.

Ethan put his head down. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have-."

he got cut off by the low angry breathing of someone behind us.

"what is this?!" we quickly spun around.

"Grayson..." i mumbled under my breath.

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