10• Pranks

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i sat there, stunned. he actually likes me.

it was Sunday afternoon. we had to start filming soon.

"um...E, come down, will you?!" I screamed. Grayson was outside on the porch.

"yeah?" he asked, running down the stairs and onto the couch.

"did you know that Grayson liked me?" i asked, curiously.

Ethan flashed a smile. "did he admit it? i've always had a feeling but when i would ask he'd say y'all were just friends."

i smiled. "he didn't say he liked me. he said he might."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "he likes you, bro."

i didn't realize i was blushing til Ethan asked why i was getting so red.

"so are we gonna start shooting soon? what's the video gonna be about?" i asked.

"where's Grayson?" he said with a smirk.

i knew that look. he was going to film a prank video.

"outside?" i said with a confused look.

"good. okay, so you know how Grayson is like...addicted to his phone?" he asked.

i squinted. "yeah?"

"well what i did was i ordered a fake iphone 8 that looks exactly like Grayson's. then, i'm gonna fill a bucket with water, place the phone in the water, and put it in the freezer. we have to do this today. then tomorrow, we take his actual phone and show him the frozen phone. see his reaction, ya know?" he explained.

oh, this was gonna be good. "i'm definitely in."

"great! go grab the bucket and i'll grab the fake phone."

he ran into his room and grabbed the phone as i ran into the kitchen and grabbed a big container.

Ethan came back with the phone and another little container.

we quickly filled bigger container with water, placed the little container inside, the phone on top, and placed it all in the freezer.

Ethan and i looked at each other and started to laugh.

"alright. so i filmed all of that. now we let it sit over night and trick him tomorrow. then as always, we edit and post on Tuesday."

~next day~

i woke up on the Twins couch we Grayson ran into Ethan in the kitchen. "GUYS WE DIDNT FILM YESTERDAY!" Grayson shouted.

"calm down!" Ethan chuckled. "we have a whole 26 hours." he grabbed a pan so he could start making pancakes. "go sit and we'll call you in here if we have ideas."

"alright." Grayson took a deep breath and fished his phone out of his pocket.

"nope." Ethan said, stretching out his arm to meet Grayson's. "you have to think too so let me see that phone."

Grayson rolled his eyes and handed it to Ethan, who threw it to me. "here, Maddog. hide it somewhere." i looked at Grayson who shot me a glance and ran to the warehouse.

"give me my phone!" Grayson shouted.

"you heard Ethan!" i ran and ran, throwing blocks of foam at him and soon he tripped, earning a laugh from me.

i ran and finally ended up placing on top of the roof. i swiftly came down just as Grayson got his balance back. he sighed. "whatever."

we walked back to the kitchen and i knew the prank was gonna take place soon because there were hidden cameras.

i chuckled as Grayson plopped down on the couch.

~two hours later~

Grayson left to go to the bathroom so Ethan ran over to me.

"when he comes back youre going to tell him that we have an idea for tomorrow's video. that's when i come in with the fake phone in ice. got it?" he explained quickly.

i laughed, "yeah."

we heard the toilet flush and Ethan ran to his room.

Grayson sat down on the couch. all cameras were rolling. i said, "i have an idea for tomorrow's video!"

Grayson sat up. "FINALLY. what is it?" he asked.

Ethan walked in with the block of ice and the phone trapped inside as planned. it worked!

"how's that?" i chuckled.

Grayson's face got serious. "you're kidding me. you're freaking kidding me, you freaking froze my phone?!" he asked.

Ethan held it up to the camera. "it's for real in the ice! it worked!" he laughed, as did i.

"i have to get it out, bro!" Grayson shouted angrily.

"then get it out." i smirked.

Grayson grabbed the block of ice and threw it down.

"you're gonna crack your phone!" i shouted.

"dumb move, dude." Ethan mumbled.

"well this is yalls freaking fault!"

the phone fell out of the ice and Grayson picked it up. "great! now it probably won't work!" he pressed the fake power button and held it down hoping it would turn on.

"i freakin hate y'all, y'all went too far." he examined the phone and his face got stern.

he soon relaxed. "ITS FREAKING FAKE!" he screamed realizing what we had done.

Ethan and i laughed nonstop.

"where's my damn phone?!" Grayson couldn't help but crack a smile.

Ethan laughed and pulled it out of his back pocket handing it to Grayson.

"y'all for real suck."

Ethan grabbed the camera. "wellll that was today's prank video. i can't believe he actually fell for it!"

"shut up!" Grayson screamed.

"well give it a thumbs up if you liked this video and if you didn't like it, well...give it a thumbs up!" i said.

Grayson rolled his eyes, "peace." he said lazily.

Ethan and i laughed. "PEACE!"


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