28• Interuption

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who's POV do you like better? Maddie's or Grayson's?

Maddie's POV
i lasted about 10 minutes in the shower and hopped out, grabbing a towel.

i slipped on my clothes—a black silky top and short shorts. i brought the towel up to my head and dried my hair. not even a few seconds later, Grayson walked in and crept his arms around my waist.

He nuzzled his nose into my neck and softly kissed me. i threw my head back slowly as he continued to leave marks down my neck. he turned me around, lifting me up onto the counter and gripping onto my hips tightly.

i lifted his chin up and something came over me as i smashed my lips to his, wanting more. his tongue slipped into my mouth beginning to explore.

i smiled against the kiss as it hardened and turned into a heated make out.

just as we were getting started, my phone started to ring. "who is it?" i asked, breathlessly.

Grayson breathed heavily, as did i. he picked up my phone and answered it. i supposed it was E.

"hey Ethan." Gray said, still out of breath, and putting it on speaker.

i tried to catch my breath as i greeted Ethan.

"why are y'all out of breath?" Ethan asked.

"uhh we were just...running." Grayson said right when i said we were having a dancing competition.

"how could you run and have a dance competition at the same time?" i could just see Ethan cocking an eyebrow right now.

"whatever, bro." Grayson rolled his eyes, earning a chuckled from me.

"there's two possible things you could've been doing." Ethan said and i knew what was coming.

"a heated make out...or sex."
he chuckled near the end of his sentence.

both me and Gray looked at each other and rolled our eyes at Ethan's comment.

"so whatcha doin, E?" Grayson asked, i guess trying to change the subject.

"watching TV and eating pizza. you have any ideas for this weeks video? we need to record it right when you get back. and Maddie needs to be in it too." i could hear him take a bite out of his pizza—probably pineapple.

"i haven't though of anything." Grayson began to say before i cut him off.

"i have an idea! how about... so people have mostly requested hot tub confessions two and hat of dares. so why don't we do hot tub confessions and instead of a hat of dares, we can just dare each other."

Grayson nodded, taking in my idea.

"i like it. i say we each get to dare each other three times. just... come back as soon as possible so we can record it. y'all should just drive the whole way tomorrow."

Grayson scoffed. "Michigan is 34 hours from LA and i drove 7 hours today."

"just try. you can drive five then Maddie can drive five and so on. you'll be tired as fuck but you'll be fine."

i rolled my eyes. "okay, we'll try to make it tomorrow. bye". i hung up before Grayson could object.

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