Return (Ending)

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Luke! I remember! I remember everything! Oh, I'm so happy!

That's great, Emma! At least you're not mad at me for trying to kill you That-One-Time.

Well, we all forgive you for that. It wasn't really your fault, anyway.

Yes, Lukas. It was the Puppet-Master corrupting you. You are not to blame for Tyler's xenocide.

I'm not sure about that anymore...It's not like people are aware of its' existence. It's existed for the past 115 years.

True. So, my body. Once we find it, I can go back, right?

Yep. Although, somebody might have to unbury you first.

Buried? Where?

Right next to me, by sheer coincendence.

Wow. So all the way, at the bottom of the Underground? Under the flowers?

Yes, Emily. As you were saying, Lukas....

Thanks. I think I might be able to assist you out.

Oh! So you'll become what you were to Tyler to me, eh?

...Yeah, something like that.

Good luck, you two.

Are you sure you can't come, Webdings?

Aha. I'm only a fragment of the real Webdings' soul. Maybe one day, his memories will be returned, too.

Yeah! Let's go back now, okay Emma?

Luke's POV

Emma wakes up with a jump, in a place she vaguely recognises - perhaps from another time, now long forgotten. Glancing around, her eyes fix on a bed of golden flowers.

Stopping to smell them, Emma picks one, and tucks it behind her ear, the green dye on the ends on her hair slowly receding back into the default brown.

"I'm alive..." She mumbles under her breath, glancing around the area in ecstasy. Stopping to smell the breeze floating down from above, she smiled.

"The air is so fresh...I'm really alive!" She gasps, laughing slightly.

Then, I appear in front of her, her eyes lighting up in recognition.

"Luke! You're here!" She chirps, brushing her bangs out of the way to take a good look at me.

"Emma, nice to see you." I giggle, looking to side, acting aloof. She keeps on smiling, oblivious.

"Emily...I'll be honest with you." I announce, grasping my chest to keep myself from fading. She hums in curiosity, looking up at me.

Not yet, please...

"I won't be able to come back with you." I admit, earning a slight growl of dismay from Emma.

"What? But you said it would be just like when you led Tyler through the underground! Why...can't you?" She asked, slight betrayal in her tone of voice.

"I've told you countless times. I can't go back. Not after what I did." I yell, allowing myself to fade away slightly faster, "And anyway, I can't exist inside this world much longer without my soul."

I look behind Emma for a second, and look in shock as the light flows around me again.


No...Why would they be here? I must be seeing things.

"W-wait! Lukas! STOP!" She cries, as I sadly smile.

"Maybe we'll meet again someday. Until then!" I grin, as I fade away once more.


I have to stall her for as long as possible... I won't let her hurt anybody else!

For as long as I still remain in this world...


Ahaha. Observant, aren't you? I hate people who talk too much. Fools who only run their mouths off just end up DEAD.

I know what you're here for....

You do, do you? Let's make a deal, old friend. I'll give your soul back...if you help me destroy this world!

Why would I ever help the likes of you?!

You're too good! Why would I give your soul back anyway? It's letting me persist in this world, after all!

You better not hurt Tyler! If you do, I'll...

Do what? You have no soul, remember? Anyway, I grow tired of this. It's time to start Phase 2 of my plan.


The End...?

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