The OCTale

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Mom got me a diary, so this is my first entry! Today, me and Luke found these really cool flowers! Dad calls them Echo Flowers. They repeat the same thing, over and over. Kinda creepy, but I find them cool! Me and Luke made a wish there, too. We both would like to see the surface again one day. I think that's a good wish.

Today, Mom bought us something special. A video camera! Me and Luke really wanna make our own little movie now!

"Okay Luke, are you ready? Do your creepy face!"
"AHHHHH! Hee hee hee!"
"...Oh wait, I had the lens cap on!"
"What!? You're not going to do it again...? Come on, quit tricking me! Haha!"

One of Dad's friends, Dr. Webdings, came over today. He seemed excited to explain his newest invention, which he referred to as the Centre Of Renewable Energy, or CORE. I didn't understand most of the science lingo he said, but then Luke began to explain all about hot rocks and volcanoes. Apparently the CORE will be an infinite energy source, powered by heat. I think that's pretty neat! I can tell why the Doctor is so excited.

Me and Luke baked a pie today... I feel so bad about it. We were so excited, we misread the instructions, so instead of cups of butter, we put in buttercups instead. The pie got Dad really sick. I should have laughed it off, like Luke did...

Oh, thank goodness! Dad's all better! Me and Luke decided to knit him a sweater as an apology. Luke's really good at it, but I struggle...a lot. I think Dad will appreciate it, though.

Today I snuck out with Guid and Mom, and bought something special from the Snowdin marketplace. A locket necklace, with a separate key necklace to open it. I plan on giving it to Luke later. On it are the words Best Friends Forever. I plan on surprising Luke with what's inside.

Another one of Dad's friends came over today. Guess who? Gerson, the Hammer of Justice, who fought along with Dad in the war! He said that construction had almost been completed. But for what? The CORE?
Later, Dad explained to me, Guid, and Luke that we're going to be moving into a big castle! Hopefully Luke can get their own bed, haha!

"Howdy Luke! Smile for the camera!"
"Ha, this time I got YOU! I left the lens cap on...on PURPOSE!"
"Hey Asriel? Do you remember when we made that pie for Dad?"
"How could I forget...? The recipe asked for cups of butter, but we put in buttercups instead. It got Dad really sick."
"Uh, where are you going with this?"
"Turn it off."
"The camera."
"Turn off the camera? Okay..."

Today, we moved into our new house. It's a lot bigger than the old one! But I still can't get what Luke said yesterday out of my head. They said they had an idea. Well, you know how monsters can absorb human souls? Luke says that if I absorb one, I can cross the barrier, take 7 human souls peacefully, then break the barrier! Although, I don't know if I can handle killing somebody to take their soul...

Tonight was such a fun night! It all started because Luke was curious. Our new house has a basement, which leads straight to the end of our cavern - and straight to the barrier. We went there, and Luke took my hand, mischief glinting in their eyes. Then, we went through! We actually crossed the barrier! Then, we started joining the human's in a festivity they call 'Halloween' - it was so fun! Then, we looked at the stars for a while, like best friends do. Eventually we had to go home. I wish that everybody could get to see the stars.

The Tale of the Two Siblings | An OCTale PrequelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin