Webdings Aster

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So, did that help at all?

Yeah! It did! I can remember everything!

Really? I'm so proud of you, Emily!

So, now that I remember everything, I can go back, right?


Are you sure you can't come with me, brother?

Ah..It's been a long time since you've called me that. And...If I went back, I would just cause Tyler to suffer. I don't want that.

I know how much you cared about them. But I think they'd be happy. Why would they suffer?

...There's some things that are best left off forgotten.

So...what about this story? What happens now?

Oh? I didn't know you'd recovered to that extent. You're self aware again now, too?

If by that you mean I know this is all just a book, then yeah.

Don't say that out loud! It's rude to speak about the people who are listening.

But anyway, the whole point of this story was to regain my memories so I could go back, right...?

...Perharps there is something else we're missing.

Aw man. Now I feel like I'm forgetting something again.

Strangely, I'm getting that feeling too. Who the hell are we forgetting?

Me. You're forgetting me, you two 'narrators'. I've been listening this whole time. Watching. Waiting.

I feel like I should be remembering you. But I can't...

Jesus. I didn't know there were other people listening. Besides from, you know, them.

I'm as old as time itself. I hear everything.

Aw, I feel kinda bad for you. I can feel nobody remembers you, not even anybody in wherever we are now.

What's your name, weird monster? We might be able to help you.

In life I was known as The Fellow Who Speaks In Arrows.

Wait...! That name...!

Didn't the Riverperson mention that name once?

And Aura, as well.

Aura? Now that's a name for some non-existent ears! That's one of my followers!

Let's see here. In the code, they're named 'webdings_follower_a'.

You! You were that crazy scientist! How could you tourture people like that?

I...What? I'm sorry, I don't remember much of that part of my life...

Wait. Didn't you know that demon of a monster that murdered our mother, too?!

..Ah, you mean Sayonara...? ...She was such a poor soul. She deserved so much better... sniffle ... Now I'm remembering my time on the surface...

Oh...It sounds like you two were very close.

I guess I-no, me and Roiaru treated her as our child.

Wait wait! No spoilers! Why don't you show us, instead? It gives this story somewhere to go, besides listening to a shitty conversation between three disembodied voices.

Yeah! Show them!

Show them? I haven't contacted the fourth wall in such a lot time...I'll try it.

Hell, I'll help. Do you want a simulated save?

Yes, actually. Can you go back to...what was it....

..Yes! Okay, can you go back to April 13th, 2005?

Wasn't that the day before the war?

It will explain everything.

Here goes nothing, I guess. Curiosity killed the disembodied voices!!

(We're already dead, Emily. Jesus.)

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