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A few hours before Tyler fell...

Ambstablook was going about her day to day activities, as usual. She fed her pet snails with a fresh batch of Waterfall grass, made herself a ghost sandwich, and then floated down towards the trashdump, where she laid on the floor, feeling...trashy.

I wonder who I used to be...It's been so long now, I can barely remember...something about the war, something about...

Ambstablook rose up her head suddenly, as she got an inkling of a memory passing through her head.

A turtle?! Why...a turtle? ...Wait, Gerson is a turtle! Maybe he knows something about who I used to be!

She quickly started to float towards the war veteran's shop, quickly stopping to sign "[Hi Dummy]" to Crimson's dummy, before rushing off again.

Stopping to catch her breath, Ambstablook entered the shop. Shielding her eyes from the lantern light, she saw the old turtle smile at her.

"Howdy, neighbor! What can I getcha?"

Ambstablook looked at him in surprise, as she felt...something familiar. Like...she knew Gerson. Well, obviously she knows Gerson. But...in her past life, she knew Gerson.

"[I...I was hoping to ask you something, actually.]" She signed, Gerson leanibg against the counter in intrigue.

"What is it, Miss Ghostie? I ain't exactly got anything better to do." He shrugged, and Ambstablook took a deep breath, then exhaled.

"[You see...for as long as I can remember, I've had...flashes. Flashes of memories from my past life, before I was a ghost. I got one today, and now...I feel like we've met each other somewhere before. In my past life.]" She signed quickly, Gerson sweating as he tried to mentally keep up with what the ghost was saying.

"Well, I can't really say much about that. Yes, we probably did meet at some point. But...I know as much as you do about who you were." He shook his head, Ambstablook frowning.

"[That's a shame...I thought I was finally onto something. I remembered...a turtle. You...? Or...was I a turtle? And...that other person...who was he? We were... close. And then there was that girl...we didn't see each other much, but I was...happy to be around her.]" Ambstablook recaps, Gerson finally remembering something, too.

"A turtle like me...with two people very dear to her...Ambstablook, by any chance do you remember the incident that caused the war?" Gerson asked, Ambstablook raising an eyebrow.

"[There was...a show? I was helping out that girl with something. There was only one person in the crowd...then the girl ran away, and I can't remember seeing her ever again after that. Then the war began.]" She racked her memories, Gerson looking at her in shock.


Ambstablook returned the shocked look, equally surprised.

"[That name! It's...familiar somehow? Who was she?]" Ambstablook beamed, finally getting to solve her mystery, after all these years.

"Roiaru was my sister. She died in the war...But she had the rare soul trait of Courage, the Monster equivalent of Determination...it makes total sense that you were turned into a ghost!" He explains, Ambstablook looking at him in disbelief.

"[All this time...and you were living next door to me? I...think I'll need some time to think about this.]" She blushed, fading away.

"Roiaru was mute, too!" Gerson yelled as she disappeared, but it was too late.

Ambstablook - or should I say, Roiaru - fled to the Ruins, her favourite spot to sit in silence. All the monsters who used to live there were long gone, since that light blue human came through and murdered them all.

Despite the morbid nature of this plave however, Ambstablook still sat down on a bed of leaves to think about the information she just learnt.

So should I call myself Ambstablook or Roiaru now...?

She frowned, and brought out her headphones and MP3 player from her inventory.

...No matter what happened in my past life, I won't let it affect me. I'm Ambstablook now. I'll never be Roiaru again, no matter how much I try. I'm...happy with my current self. Like Emma is!

Ambstablook sighed again, scrolling through her playlist to find a good song.

I wonder what Emma's up to, nowadays? Or, I guess I should call her Emmaton, now. It's been a while since we last talked.

As the music started to play, Ambstablook yawned.

I'm tired...Even though I can't sleep, I guess I'll just pretend.


* Feeling happy with who you are currently...
*...It fills you with determination.

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