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A girl wandered alone, travelling upwards to the peak of the fabled Mt. Ebott. She kept her hood up, shielding her view, yet protecting her from the harsh winds and rain pelting down, sodding her clothing. The purple coat stuck to her body like clingfilm, as she trudged through mud, steadfast and set in her ways.

She had a mission to accomplish.

Persisting through the horrendous storm, she gasped in relief as she spotted a cave - which didn't seem very deep - beckoning her towards it. A draft of wind flew by, echoing her name.


"Coral, please! Come back! We can talk about this!" A boy cried, splashing through the rain after his younger sister. He gasped for air, sprinting through the harsh winds. He was aware of what Coral was trying to accomplish. The girl turned around, glaring at her brother in the eye coldly, unimpressed with his bravery to face her here.

"Jake. I told you not to follow me." She said, her voice showing no emotion, but her brother could tell she was irritated.

"Coral, please! There has to be another way to free you from this madness!" He screamed against the wind, sheltering his head with an old and tattered book - belonging to his sister. Coral finally reacted, quickly grabbing the book off of him protectively, and pocketing it.

"How selfish can you get," she snapped in Jake's face, "Using my sketchbook as an umbrella? Despicable." Hatred brimmed in her eyes.

"'ll...freeze out here." Jake tried to coax, failing for ideas to try to bring her back inside to the warm cosiness of their parents' cottage.

"I don't care. Get away from me, you know I have to do this." She growled, her brother taking a step backwards in fear. Coral's pocket glowed suddenly, an ominous dark purple, a near black. She smiled viciously, completely different from her stoic persona. Not out of her own volition, she reached for the sketchbook, it resonating with her presence. The rain ceased, as Mother Nature realised that something was amiss. Malice filled Coral's heart, as she muttered an illegal incantation she never knew before.

Then, a dark purple orb appeared in front of her. Coral's wrists burned, as magically, a rune had been branded into her very flesh. She closed her eyes and concentrated, dismissing the pain with the power of HATE.


Her helpless brother Jake fell tot he floor, unconscious, as the orb struck again and again. Returning to its' owner, Coral stifled an unfeeling, malicious laugh. Then, she blinked, and once again put on her mask of apathy. Kicking her brother's body aside, she faced the very reason she came here: the cave.

She took her first step, finally crossing the barrier between her and the absolute. Over the past 50 years, 3 children had mysteriously disappeared. Or not. Coral began to understand, as she walked towards her doom. The sad, harsh truth, of how the children were dead.

The truth she had been protected from by her parents for her whole life. She was here to try and escape their control over her, to show them that she could face that bleak reality outside their door. So she ran away fro home, never even thinking of looking back. Coral was curious, fuelled by a brand new desire: persistence.

She paused, examining the large crevice in front of her. In the back of her mind, doubts rippled her thoughts like spitting rain you should ignore. Coral spread her arms out, like a bird preparing to take flight. Then, she jumped, blacking out after reaching a bright light below, feeling the dark magic within her soul bleeding out slightly.

However, she survived. She descended into the world below, like the 3 before here. She didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. She just cared about one single thing: freedom. Down here, she still felt like she wasn't free from her parents' influence.

Monsters all around treated her kindly. But she couldn't feel...anything. So, as she finally reached Asgore, she didn't put up a fight. She simply found that even down here, with the prospect of a new life, there was no point in trying to exist and emote like a 'normal' person would.

Coral was sick of the fact that she had to pretend to have emotions.

She was so.


And so she died once more. Becoming the 4th human soul.

...She still couldn't feel anything.

* * * * * *

Wow. She had it really rough.

Good luck trying to destroy the whole world, Asgore.

Yeah. The world was what was wrong, not her....Who's next?

I thought we'd take another break to check up on you.


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