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"Mar...tin..." A woman wheezed weakly, a boy around 15 by her side, clutching her hand tightly like a small child.

"Mom? What do you need?" The boy, clad in a tuxedo, gasped, aware that the lady was losing consciousness.

"I...know this...sounds crazy, but...the mountain. There's...a special flower" Martin's mother coughed, looking at her child and weakly smiling, her eyes beginning to glaze over. Before Martin could argue, his mother slipped under the effects of the strong antibiotics once more, the flower taking host of her body squirming in resistance, before drooping from exhaustion.

Slowly, Martin withdrew from his mother's beside, and nodded, preparing to go to Mt. Ebott. He went to his room, and picked up a rather sharp toy knife from his bedside table. Then, he headed out the door, not looking back in case he became apprehensive.

Inside of the cave, he spotted a lone, azure blue flower, resting near the edge of a large hole. Treading carefully amongst the roots, he lent down to reach it. The pretty, blossoming flower resonated with Martin's presence. Reaching over the edge, he grabbed it close to his chest.

Then he fell.


Regaining consciousness, Martin looked around frantically, resting his eyes on the flower he had stolen, which was now resting amongst a bed of golden flowers. He quickly lent down, and placed the flower behind his ear, it wiggling slightly in contentment. Sneezing slightly from the strong pollen in the air, Martin stood up and observed the area, walking into the depths of the underground.

Trudging forwards, toy knife in hand, Martin fought every monster he came across without a second thought, the majority of them fleeing at the sight of him, covered in their loved one's dust. Martin had heard stories from his mother about monsters and their soul-stealing powers. He didn't know he could show mercy. All Martin knew was that they were dangerous, and needed to be stopped.

Eventually, the boy reached Home. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by Toriel, wearing a dress encrusted with the symbol he had seen lying around the Ruins. The woman gasped in shock.

"Oh my! A human! Please, do come in! Your journey here must have been so dangerous!"

Martin simply raised an eyebrow, and accepted her offer. Later, he discovered her name was Toriel, and she had a 12 year old daughter named Guidea.

"Excuse me, Miss Toriel, but is there an exit to the Ruins? I really need to get back home, my mother is really ill. You understand, right?" The woman flinched slightly at Martin's words, and turned towards him, losing focus on her young daughter.

"W-what...? This...THIS is your home now, my child!"

Martin sighed, and began to repeat himself.

"How do I leave the Ruins, Toriel?"

"...I have something to do. Stay here with Guidea."

Martin, after getting a book for Guidea from the highest shelf, he followed Toriel downstairs into the gloomy basement.

As his footsteps echoed down the corridor, he felt a sudden chill go down his spine. At the end of the hall stood her. The Gatekeeper.

"You truly wish to leave? Then prove to me you are strong enough to survive!"


Martin sighed, and analysed the situation, waiting for Toriel to make the first move.

* You are filled with patience.

"What are you doing? Fight me or leave!"

Martin blinked, and nodded. If this is what she wanted...


Toriel 0/1300 HP

"W-wait! I didn't mean...!" Martin gasped in shock, dropping his knife to the floor, dust cascading off of it as it hit the ground. His blue bow-tie became detached, floating to the ground gracefully. Toriel screamed.

"Y-you...really hate me...that much...?"

All that was left was dust.

Martin gasped, and covered his mouth in shock.

Everything suddenly became hyper real. This innocent monster, who wished nothing but his own safety...

* He felt frustrated with himself.

How did he not realise? This wasn't just a video game where you could reset and take it back. He was a filthy murderer, and there was no changing that.

He felt guilty. And he would never forget.





As soon as Martin left the Ruins, he buried the magical flower that he had been holding onto into the snow, kicking it under in frustration.

He proceeded through the underground, to become the 2nd human soul, killed by none other than Toriel's oblivious husband.

What is that flower thing? It looked kinda creepy.

That's a Death Lily. It was an old disease that spread like wildfire. Lots of people died, but regular antibiotics can kill it. It will never leave your body, though.

Is there any way to actually get rid of it?

The cure is love. But humans don't really show that emotion much...

Huh. Alright, I'm ready for the next one.

The Tale of the Two Siblings | An OCTale PrequelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu