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Happy 2nd birthday to OCTale!


* Two years after Asriel's death...
* ...And 15 years after the war....

"Katrina? Are you up?" A tired, old man's voice asked, cracking from immense emotional hardening.

"Yes Father." She called, stretching her arms out. Slipping on her favourite clothes: a white t-shirt with green stripes on the arms, and some short jeans, she briskly walked, meeting her mother in the throne room.

"Morning Mother. What did Father want me for?" She asked, her dimmed red eyes settling apon the wizened wizard, who looked down at her, her once blue eyes now faded and grey in her old age.

"There was a committee meeting yesterday, where me, your father, and the other wizards talked about the barrier. And your cousins." Sydney explained, integrity brimming in her eyes. Katrina flinched slightly, as she mentioned her cousins.

"You mean Father's niece and nephew? Mother, I told you - They've been gone for the past 2 years! Let it go!" She suddenly snapped, Sydney immediately recoiling, "Don't use that attitude against your own mother, Katrina Rissa Spadix!"

"As I was saying, the conversation led onto you. Since your two brothers have abandoned their Royal duties, Curtis becoming a merchant, and Landon marrying a non-Royal, you are the next in line for the throne. Therefore, it will be your decision on if the barrier breaks or not." Sydney explained, Katrina's eyes lighting up suddenly. Her mother glared at her, and continued.

"On one term, Katrina. We need to be sure you are not going to pull an Emily. So, we are going to put you through a...trial, of some sorts." She explained, Katrina dimming back down again.

"Mother...I don't need more princess lessons..." She groaned, before being stopped, her mother placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Katrina. Me and your father have become aware that you are a special type of wizard: an Omega. With your powerful soul, you will be able to cross the barrier at will. The trial is this. If you can go into the Underground, and come back out, with evidence the monsters have receded in number...then we will accept your point of view. You may break the barrier, and become Queen." Sydney explained, her daughter suddenly acting aloof.

"Okay...I trust you. You would never lie, right?" Katrina replied, and grinned uneasily. Sydney simply stared, her dim blue eyes shining with an emotion Katrina couldn't understand. She simply nodded, after a while.

"Okay Mother. I'll do it! I'll prove that monsters deserve freedom!" Katrina announced, her mother smiling and rolling her eyes. Then, Sydney brought something out of her pocket - a hairslide - and used it to get Katrina's hair out of her face, tucking the slide behind her child's ear.

"A good luck charm. Now, go!"

Katrina ran to the kitchen to grab whatever protection she could find, settling apon a stained apron and a frying pan. Then, she ran towards the mountain, not looking back.


Katrina hummed to herself, as she smiled and skipped towards Mt. Ebott. Almost in naivety, she stepped carefully amongst the floor, littered with large tree roots. She stepped carefully towards the edge of the gaping hole, leading to the underworld.

Suddenly, she tripped on a vine, and fell.





The Tale of the Two Siblings | An OCTale PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now