H-4T3 Experiments

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* The day before the war...

Webdings had woken up with a massive grin on his face. Today was going to be a great day; he felt it, deep in his bones.

Yesterday, he and his girlfriend Roiaru had made a revolutionary discovery. The discovery of a substance that had... side effects, if the wrong person got a hold of it. But the substance had the potential to change the world as they knew it.

Webdings gave it a codename: H-4T3. But everybody else in the lab just called it "pure Hatred" - which Webdings found a bit...too evil.

This will be the solution to all of our problems, I just know it.

And if everything goes to plan, then...

Webdings raised his head up from looking at the daily newspaper as he heard a knock at the door to his apartment. Rolling the paper up and throwing it into the corner where all of his rubbish had been accumulated for a while, he walked to open the door, and was surprised by a monster hugging him.

"Sayonara! I was looking for you! How's school been?" He smiled, looking down at the poncho-wearing cat monster, as she took a step backwards to look up at him.

"It's been really cool, Dad! I've been learning aaaaaaaall about science!" Sayonara beamed. Her happiness was infectious, making Webdings even more psyched up. His adoptive child noticed this, and raised an eyebrow.

"Now what are you smiling about?"
Webdings took a while to realise he was being talked to, and then blushed slightly.

"Well, if today's meeting goes well, I'll be giving your mother...a present." He admitted, bringing out a small box from his inventory. Sayonara gasped as he showed her the object inside, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh my GOD! YOU AND MOM ARE GONNA GET MARRI-" Sayonara started to squeal, before Webdings giggled, and placed a finger to her mouth.

"Shh. It's going to be a surprise, okay? Don't tell anybody." He said somewhat seriously, as the cat monster calmed down, and nodded.

"Well, other than that, why were you looking for me? I can tell you wamt something else, Dad." Sayonara copied Webdings' attitude, sticking a hand on her hip mockingly.

"Oh, right! I need you to do a favour. It's a pretty big one, a tad dangerous, but I really nee-"

"You had me on dangerous. Of course I'll help! What do you want me to do?" Sayonara beamed, interjecting her adoptive father. Webdings took a while again, and finally sighed.

"Alright, I trust you. Basically, you know that substance me and your mother discovered yesterday?" Webdings started to explain, leading Sayonara out onto the busy street, where passerbys in the village would mute their conversation.

"Yeah, I saw the news report, you looked really happy! That's why I came to visit. What was it - H-4T3?" She commented, resting a finger on her chin.

"Yes. I need you to be a test subject, and then I need you to show off the powers H-4T3 will give you at the presentation tonight with Flora. The substance will be delivered in a very small dosage, around 4 times today. Is that alright, my child?" Webdings explained, Sayonara hanging on to every word.

"I have a strong soul! I can take it!" Sayonara assured, trying to get onto the same wavelength as her father.

"Anyway, I've always wanted to meet Princess Flora! Or, rather the King's sister....Whatever, I'm in! When do I take the first shot?"

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