The Disagreement

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* Ten years after the war...

Spadixia Palace

"Emily! Lukas! Wake up!" Carlos called, the girl yawning as a red glow illuminated the room.

"Alright, Jesus, I'm up, I'm up." Lukas groaned, stretching his arms out.

"Come on, you two. Today is a very important day for you two - even more important for Lukas." Carlos smiled, using the staff in his hands to emit an eye-straining amount of red light.

"What day is that, then, Uncle Carlos?" Emily piped cheerily, clambering out of bed. Carlos simply facepalmed.

"Today's your coronations!" He yelled, losing patience with the two.

Emily and Lukas simultaneously gasped, and immediately started talking to each other in their own sibling chatter. However, Carlos could tell they were excited. He sighed.

"Just like your mother. Come on, we need to get going." He beckoned, leading the children into his room, where he had picked out some clothes.

Emily was to wear a plain, brown dress, along with an orange sweater with a blue stripe crossing the entire garment. She adored it, and immediately rushed out to get changed. Lukas giggled at his sister, then faced his uncle.

"So what do I have to wear, Uncle Carlos?" He chirped, curiousity overwhelming him.

"Ah, Lukas! I've got something for you, of course. Let me just fetch it for you." Carlos hummed, rummaging through the bottom of a drawer. He then triumphantly pulled out a red cape, along with some black trousers and a pink hoodie with purple stripes.

"Oh wow! How did you know my favourite colour was pink?" Lukas beamed, as Carlos simply winked, replying, "Intuition."
The boy grinned, and ran away too, contented. Carlos simply sighed as he sat down on his rocking chair.

"Exactly like their mother."


"Now, Emily, Lukas. Lets' do a quick overview of events." Carlos analysed, holding a checklist in his hands.

Emily looked up at Carlos for a signal, as he winked. Gracefully, she walked over to her brother, who was standing next to a red cushioned throne - Carlos's. As he bowed and Emily courtseyed to themselves, they both held hands, Lukas glancing over at Carlos for an opinion.

"Yeah! That's perfect, guys! Now, go wash your faces and brush your teeth. This is an important day for you both!" Carlos cheered, leaving the children to run away again.

"It's only a matter of time, Flora. I sure hope I didn't keep you waiting." Carlos smiled, looking up at the clear, blue sky, the wind ruffling his almost grey hair.


As the final bell tolled, signifying 5pm, the surrounding crowd shushed, as Carlos walked up to the throne.

"Greetings, my loyal subjects! Today, we celebrate a new era in the Spadix monarchy, as my late sister's son becomes King." Carlos announced, smiling. Lukas hid in the shadows, waiting for his cue. The mixed excitement and nervousness was making him jittery.

Carlos glanced over at the boy, and smiled comfortingly, signifying for Lukas to come on stage.

"Please, everyone, give it up for... Prince Lukas Spadix!" Carlos continued to cheer, as Lukas sheepishly made his way up to the front of the red throne.

"Thank you, thank you." Lukas quietened, suddenly feeling nervous as countless people cheered him on. In the front, he could just about spot the 6 human wizards. Even from a distance, they were strikingly older that what they appear in history books.

The Tale of the Two Siblings | An OCTale PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now