Chapter 27 - He's Here Too?

Start from the beginning

I could see the anger in their eyes as I was talking.

Mr. Dominic said, "We are going to find out why he is out of jail. I have a feeling he bribed someone. No woman should have to fear for her life because of being attacked. We need you to focus on your family - your kids at home and the precious little ones growing inside you. The five of us will take care of him."

Valentino's POV

"That is Chase Dalton. He is one of the guys I thought had potential in the wine industry."

I motioned for one of my security guards to come over. "Bring Chase Dalton over here now!" So, he went to bring him over. "Sweetheart, I am going to make sure he never bothers you again, understand?" Cris' wife shook her head yes.

"Kamea, you are in good hands with my dad," Cocoa told her, and she was right. I do not play when it comes to my family.

"Before you are escorted out of here, I am going to make myself perfectly clear. I invited you here because I saw potential in you with your winery. That potential flew out the window when Mrs. Kamea said you attacked her. I do not take kindly to my family being attacked. If I get a call from her or Cris about you harassing her, I am going to ruin you and make your life span short, capiche?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Toscano."

"Oh goodness, I need to throw up." Kamea got up and ran to the bathroom. "I'll go after her," said her bodyguard, Jake.

I did not like the smug grin on his face. "There is nothing funny about what I just said. Do you think I am playing? I am warning you, DO NOT TEST ME! Now, get him out of my sight!"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Toscano." And another security guard came over and escorted him and whoever the girl was off the premises.

"I'll be right back after my introductory speech." So, I made my way over to the platform.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Toscano & Calabro Wine Gala. My family, as well as the Calabro family, wanted to start recognizing a new generation of wine producers. Our inaugural recipient is here from San Francisco, California - Mr. Cris Fiore."

Cris' POV

Wow, what an honor! To be the first recipient is wonderful. And, to be presented by Mr. Toscano is the bonus. Kamea has not come back yet. My poor baby. Her morning sickness is no joke. I wish there were something I could do for her.

I made my way to where Mr. Toscano was standing. He handed me the microphone. "Thank you, Mr. Toscano and Mr. Calabro, for the honor of being the first recipient of this award."

Everyone clapped their hands in applause. I scanned over to our table and saw that Kamea and Jake had just come back. Cocoa talked Kamea into walking over to where I was standing, and she came upon the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this beautiful woman standing next to me is my wife, Kamea. We found out yesterday that she is pregnant with our children. We are having twins. That is the greatest news a father could ask for. And with receiving this award, this has become one of the best trips back home for me. Thank you again, Mr. Toscano and Mr. Calabro, for the honor."

Everyone then stood up and applauded as Kamea, and I exited the stage.

"Please sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the gala. Dinner is now being served." Mr. Toscano then exited the stage.

Chase's POV

As we were being escorted off the premises, I overheard what Cris had just said about my prize. "She's pregnant - with twins?"

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