Chapter 10: The Briarcliff Incident

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Michael POV:

I had that dream, one I have had many times before ... The most tragic day of my life, the Briarcliff Incident, after that day I couldn't eat... I couldn't sleep, it always kept haunting me, even now ... I thought I was freed from this never-ending curse but you Christian, you helped me .. you helped me get through it .. at least I thought I did, now it's just a reoccurring nightmare.

Liam Teller, after that meeting with you today ... I'm left confused and baffled, this is something I need to talk to Christian about but this is something I must find the answer to myself.

I hurry back to Diamond Star as I pulled Josh and Anna into an emergency meeting, I explained to them what Liam and I spoke about, I told them about his mother...

"Do we believe him?", says Josh.

"This just seems so unreal, it does make sense Liam knows about Briarcliff because only patients would have that kind of information and seeing his mother was a patient at Briarcliff it would make sense", says Anna.

"Do I do an expose of Briarcliff?", I sigh.

"It just may set things straight", says Anna.

"It just may ... but it will also bring to light a lot of secrets", I say.

"We'll have to explain about Bob... he was the only reason we were in that mess in the first place", says Anna.

"Not just that ... we'll be involving people that weren't even there but knew about what took place that day, for example, Josh", I say as I look at him.

"We'll all have to confess won't we?", says Josh.

"I don't know what to do, there's information about that day that would put me and Christian behind bars", I say.

"After all of this, Briarcliff is still fresh in mind", says Anna as she sighed.

"We tried to forget what happened that day but this just reminds us it's still there, maybe it's karma's way of punishing us", I say.

"It's supposed to be good karma then, you did nothing wrong Michael, you stopped a man that tried to kill you and your friends and you freed more than 50 patients who were mentally and physically abused!", says Josh as we look at him.

"That's a beautiful way of putting it", I say.

"It's what happened, here's what we'll do, Michael, you'll tell the story but you'll leave out some parts, withhold the full truth, no one needs to know everything, the public is just curious so go clear the air, they just need an answer. Spin the truth", says Josh.

"Will that really be okay?", I say.

"Believe in yourself Michael, it's the only way all of this will disappear. Briarcliff will always haunt you so why not explain what went on while you were there?", says Michael.

"I can do that, I'll need to talk to Christian first", I say.

"Please don't tell me you need permission from Christian?", says Anna as she raised her eyebrow. 

"Hell no, I just need to explain to him what I'm going to do. It's Christian, he doesn't go by logic", I sigh.

"Good luck", says Anna.

"Good luck indeed", says Josh


6:45 PM, Christian Grey's Suite:

"Hell no!", yelled Christian.

"Don't be so dramatic", I say.

"You're telling them nothing, this is character defamation. It is quite illegal and their ass will be sued for all they goddamn have!", yelled Christian.

"It's already out there in the open Christian, hundred's of people have seen, it will never disappear. It happened and it cannot be unseen. What part of that do you not understand", I yell.

"You are not doing it and that is final", he commanded as he walked into the kitchen. 

I then walked after him.

"Yo Christian", I say as he turned around. 

I then grabbed his shirt as I slammed him against the fridge.

"Listen, Grey, you didn't marry me to submit to you, I have no obligation to be commanded to do anything, now I will do the interview and I will clear our names, I don't care if you're on board or not. This is something I have to do, call it a peace of mind", I said as I let go.

"What did I do to deserve this abuse?", said Christian as pulled me towards him as he bit his lip.

"You married into it", I whisper as I push him away.

Christian then snickered as I walked away.
I then headed upstairs as I washed my face, why can't you understand why I have to do this Christian?

"Michael", said Christian as he walked in.

"What is it?", I say as I turn around.

"Don't do this, let our lawyers handle this", he said.

"The fact that you're telling me this right now, it proves you don't understand why I'm doing this", I say. 

"Then help me understand, why can't you see this as an expose?", he says.

"Because it's not", I say.

"Why believe what this Liam guy is telling you?", he says.

"I believe it's the right thing to do, I have no reason not to believe him", I say.

"Where was this confidence earlier?", he asked.

"After talking to you, I made my decision", I said.

"You don't know the tabloids like I do", he says.

"Christian, I'm doing this, I have to", I say as I look at him.

"Don't", he said.

"Your opinion is acknowledged but I'm doing it", I say.

"You'll regret doing this Michael", he says.

"Then it's my burden to bear, I need to get this Briarcliff Incident behind me, I don't need another reminder of that day", I say.

"I do not support this", he said.

"You don't need to", I said.

He then walked closer to me as he grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. 

"I'm not happy with your decision but I'll respect it because I love you, we're in this together", he says as he kissed me and headed outside.

I was left there with a surprised look on my face, I was expecting him to be more dramatic, knowing Christian, he'd throw a bitch fit and sleep on the couch. You may not understand why I'm doing this Christian but this time you'll have to trust me. 

To be Continued in Chapter 11: The Day the Sky Turned Red. 

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