Chapter 9: Liam Teller

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Michael PoV:

Liam Teller, such a weird guy...

"Hows the coffee?", asked Anna as she walked in.

"It's great thanks", I say to her.

"I hear what Liam was saying before I walked in the office, I heard Briarcliff and then stopped in my tracks... Are you okay?", she asked.

"Yes, I just thought Briarcliff was behind me now", I say as I sighed. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, may I offer my opinion?", she asked.

"Sure go ahead", I say.

"Why not take him up on the offer about profiling you? It would set things straight, I know how much you've been suffering because of it", she says.

I know where Anna is coming from but am I ready to revisit that painful day? I don't think I'd want the events of that day to come to light...

"I don't think I'm ready", I say to Anna.

"Alright, but how did Liam know in great detail about Briarcliff, it doesn't make sense", she says.

The door then busted open as Josh came running in out of breath.

"Josh! What's going on?", I ask.

"Have you seen this?", he says out of breath as he hands me the papers.

It was the New York Times.

Michael Reyes-Grey was at Briarcliff Asylum!?!!?!!!!

An unknown source has now confirmed the spouse of Christian Grey was a patient at Briarcliff Asylum, with this shocking news now in the open, what will Mr. Grey do? We now begin to question if Michael was the one that started the fire killing his former boss Adam and the death of the Lieutenant of the local police force. More information on this will be revealed soon.

"Wha... What the hell is this!!!", I say as my hand started shaking.

"I can't believe this!", says Anna in shock.

"Who would the times post gossip like this?", says Josh.

"Michael...", says Josh but I didn't respond.

I was still in shock. 

"Michael!", yelled Anna as I came back to reality.

"This doesn't make sense", I say confused.

"Isn't this illegal? It's character defamation", says Josh. 

"A guy from the New York Times was just here, he was an editor, he wanted to do a profile of me for the magazine", I say.

"Please tell me you said no!", says Josh.

"I did.... this paper was released this morning, I don't get why he'd come and ask me for a profile of myself if the Times were going to release something like this, it makes no sense.... unless", I say as things started making sense. 

"Unless what?", asked Anna.

"I need to speak to Liam", I say as I grab his business card.

"Liam? Why?", asked Anna.

"I need to confirm something", I say as I dial his number. 

"Hello", says Liam.

"Liam this is Michael Grey, meet me at Caesar's cafe in 15 minutes", I say.

"Sure, is everything okay?", he says as I hung up. 


"You're going to meet him?", says Anna surprised.

"That's not a good idea Michael", says Josh. 

"It's probably not a good idea but I have to", I sigh. 

"Alright, I'll trust you Michael", says Anna. 

"Oh crap!", I say as I look at the time. 

"What's wrong?", asked Josh.

"It's 10:45 am, Mr. Drake is supposed to be here in 15 minutes, I have a meeting about his draft", I say as I hit myself a facepalm. 

"I'll handle Drake, I've read his drafts, you're publishing aren't you?", says Josh.

"Yes, his drafts were good, I'm curious to see what happens next, it'll be a great novel", I say.

"I'll take to Drake and you go talk to Liam", says Josh.

"Thank you, Josh! You're such a lifesaver", I say smiling.


I leave the office and hurry down to Caesar's cafe as I see Liam sitting at a table waiting for me.

"Liam", I say giving him the death stare.

"Hey, Mr. Grey, what's up? You contacted me a lot sooner than I thought you would", he says as he sips his coffee.

I then dropped the newspaper article on the table as he gulped.

"What is this crap? You asked for a Profile of me and the Times just goes ahead and publishes this?", I say.

"I didn't write this. I am one of many editors", he says as he sips his coffee.

"Drop the bullshit Liam, what do you want? Is it money you seek?", I ask.

"No, nothing so simple Mr. Grey", he says as he looks away.

"Then what is it that you want?", I ask.

"Like I said before, I am a fan of yours. The Editor in Cheif published this and I was shocked he would do that, my goal is to clear you, I couldn't believe it so I came straight to you to get the facts straight. If I can counter what he wrote then you'll be in the clear, that is the only reason I'm doing a Profile on you.", he says.

"Why would I believe you're trying to help me. What's in it for you?", I ask. 

"My mother was one of the patients you freed in Briarcliff, just think of it as my gratitude", he says as he gulped hard.

Do I really believe what he's saying? Why does my gut tell me that something is off...

"You have no reason to believe me Mr. Grey but you're a savior to my mother as well as all the other patients you freed. After I heard what they did to you, what they did to my mother... I couldn't believe it.", he says.

"So this is the true reason behind your profile on me?", I say in disbelief.

"I'll believe in you no matter what anyone says Michael", he says with a sincere smile.

Damn! After hearing this what the hell am I going to do? Should I believe him .... or is this just another lie. After Bob and Adam, it's hard to trust new people. 

My danger level is rising! Just what the hell am I supposed to do now!

I look around and see all these people staring with a New York Time paper in hand, these intense stares like they're staring deep into my soul, judging me with those eyes...

I don't know what to do!!!! Just how am I going to fix this?

To be Continued in Chapter 10: The Briarcliff Incident.

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