Chapter 41: 41 - The Fifth Mizukage

Start from the beginning

"YOU DARE TO ATTACK ME" the Daimyo roared from his tower. He was pleased that the war had ended but he didn't count on being attacked by the same person that won the war.

"You have the nerve of saying that to us after what you have done" Mei hissed towards the Daimyo. "You supported and funded Yagura into this war and for what?" Mei asked narrowing her eyes at the leader of her country. "You are supposed to lead this country into betterment...not death" Mei stated releasing killer intent.

"The Mizukage is in charge of his village, it's his job to ensure the safety of his village and country. If he says that we need to eliminate these bloodline scum...then so be it" the water Daimyo sneered at Mei who tightened her fist almost drawing out blood.

"THEY WERE INNOCENT PEOPLE" Mei yelled. How could he say such thing, he was sheltered in this mansion. He had servants for everything, it were these so called monsters that kept his country safe and stable. It were these monsters that fought for the safety and betterment of this country. "You ungrateful bastard" Mei roared and turned to the shinobi standing in front of her.

"STAND DOWN" Mei ordered towards the shinobi. After all, they were mist shinobi and, as such, they were under her command and her command only. Not even the water daimyo had the authority to order shinobi around. That right belong to the kage and the kage alone.

"They won't listen to are not the Mizukage" the daimyo happily stated "and even if you were, they answer to me and me alone" the daimyo said.

"I am Mei Terumi, the fifth Mizukage" Mei stated loud and clear with enough authority in her voice to make sure she got her pointer across. "I ORDER YOU TO STAND DOWN" Mei ordered.

"YOU WILL NOT" the daimyo ordered and the shinobi found themselves in a pickle. "KILL HER" the daimyo ordered and the shinobi and samurai were about to jump into action when another voice interrupted them.

"You are welcome to try" Naruto said in a stoic voice as he made his presence known, stepping out of the shadows. Every single shinobi took a step back noticing the presence of the man that single-handedly defeated Yagura and conquered the mist village. Every shinobi gulped, after all, standing in front of them was Senju Naruto, god of all shinobi.

"YOU" daimyo hissed towards Naruto who simply raised an eyebrow at his tone. Naruto raised his head to face the daimyo with in a bored tone. "I've got a bone to pick with the fire daimyo. How dare he allow Konoha to interfere in another country's affairs" the daimyo said. The water daimyo yet seemed to realized in what situation he was in.

"The state of this country was pathetic. You allowed some deranged fool to start a war and you didn't have the balls to stand up to him" Naruto making the water daimyo seethe while Mei chuckled at Naruto's boldness. "You just hide behind these walls, in your safe heaven and you allowed innocent people to be slaughtered. This is why I dislike political leaders. You simply order the shinobi around, a kage leads them into battle. A true leader must be willing to die for his own men" Naruto stated with a neutral voice crossing his arms over his chest.

"ENOUGH" the water daimyo said "KILL THEM ALL" the daimyo ordered extending his arm and pointing towards Naruto. Naruto didn't even open his eyes for a few seconds and when he did, the view didn't exactly surprised him. Every single shinobi and samurai was rooted in place.

"I SAID...KILL THEM" the daimyo roared but the shinobi didn't move. Maybe they were scared of facing both Mei and Naruto, or maybe they were having second thoughts about everything they learned here.

"Drop your weapons and let us finish this" Mei said. A few shinobi recoiled from her request. They shared looks between each other until they dropped their kunais and swords. Once they were disarmed they dropped to their knees.

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