Chapter 39: 39 - A Turning Point

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"They are monsters...every single one of them" Ao thought to himself gasping for air, trying to keep his cool and not alert them. Their chakra levels were through the roof. The member with the lowest amount of chakra was the purple dragon and even her had high-kage level reserves.

Ao nearly fainted when he noticed just the amount of chakra the leader of the dragons had. The silver dragon's chakra seemed different from the standard, his chakra was brighter than most and his reserves were on par with bijuu themselves. The silver dragon had more chakra than Hoshigaki Kisame, who was renowned as the tailless bijuu. Ao focused his byakugan in trying to see through the masks and find out the identity of these powerful shinobi.

"You know" Silver started "You already have something that belongs to Konoha...don't push your luck by trying to find our identity" Silver said in a monotone voice making Ao flinch.

"I don't know what you are referring to Silver-san" Ao replied as he regained his composure. Mei just listened to the conversation quietly.

"Don't play games with me" Silver warned "I know that you have a byakugan eye behind that eye patch" Silver explained and Ao's single eye widened. "Don't look so surprised. When we introduced ourselves I believe I explained that half of us are sensors. We realized what you had hidden beneath your eye patch the moment you turned it on" Silver explained and Ao was sweating at this point.

"Don't misunderstand us" Silver said in a calmer voice "We don't intend to remove your eye, but we wear masks for a purpose" Silver explained and Ao sighed in relief.

"I understand and appreciate it" Ao replied and Silver nodded turning to Mei.

"I believe it's best for us to be informed of your current situation" Silver said and Mei nodded gathering her thoughts.

"Currently we have around four thousand bloodline users in the rebel army. Yagura is the jinchuuriki of the Sanbi, he has full control over his bijuu and he controls the mist village along with near six thousand non-bloodline shinobi." Mei started.

"As you most likely know, water country is formed by multiple islands. The biggest island, located in the center of the country is where the mist village is. This island is surrounded by several other where there are several outposts. Our army is spread out between two islands which we managed to capture the strongholds" Mei explained.

"We can't push forward into the main island without taking over the other three remaining strongholds first and even then it will very difficult. Yagura has full control over his bijuu and can obliterate the army if we attack in numbers. However there isn't anyone strong enough to face Yagura on his own, not even me" Mei finished sadly. The rebel said had fought for years but nothing seemed to change.

"If your main problem is Yagura than with us he shouldn't be a problem" Silver started noticing the incredulous look on Mei's face. There was a reason as to why bijuu were so important to nations. They were the real army killers, the jinchuuriki when properly trained could wipe hundreds of shinobi in the blink on an eye and they were hard to kill.

"Our group has four seal masters but above else" Silver trailed off and he motioned green to do a little show off. Green chuckled and clapped his hands together in the snake seal. A tree popped from the ground giving green another step to further his jump.

"M-Mokuton (Wood Release)" Mei whispered staring the green colored dragon. She couldn't see it but she knew he was laughing like crazy behind that mask. "I though only Senju Hashirama could use the mokuton" Mei said shocked by the events.

"Well...the green dragon can do it just as well as Hashirama could back in the day" Silver replied chuckling to himself.

"To think that Konoha had another Mokuton user in hiding" Mei said chuckling "Not to mention another Senju Clan member" Mei said in afterthought.

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