Chapter 35: 35 - Revelations & Farewell

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"The council is in session to determine the fate of Uchiha Sasuke for the murder of Haruno Sakura" Tsunade said and glared at the Uchiha.

"What proof do you have of that?" Sasuke asked smirking. He knew very well how to cover his tracks. He left her in nothing more than ashes and, as such, there wouldn't be any evidence that he was the one that killed her.

"We have a confession from Sakura herself" Tsunade said.

"What?" Sasuke asked in disbelief "If she is dead then how come you have a confession" Sasuke yelled.

"Naru-chan" Tsunade said and everyone snickered while Naruto just sighed "here brought her back to find out what happened" Tsunade explained. She looked at the panicking Uchiha with a look that said 'I got you now bitch'.

"Do you have anything to say?" Tsunade asked but Sasuke remained silent. "Let's wrap this up and end it once and for all" Tsunade said as she got up from her seat.

"I call for the execution of Uchiha Sasuke for the murder of Haruno Sakura. Anyone against?" Tsunade asked but was interrupted before she could go on.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I'M AN UCHIHA, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE THE SHARINGAN" Sasuke yelled and smirked thinking he got them. Tsunade just looked at him with a pathetic look.

"You seem to be forgetting about Naru-chan" Tsunade simply stated making Sasuke's eyes widen. He wasn't the last Uchiha anymore so he was expendable. "And it was you that brought this upon you" Tsunade said and was about to call the vote when she was interrupted by Mebuki.

"If I may suggest an alternative sentence Hokage-sama" Mebuki said with a very sick smile that sent shivers Sasuke. Sasuke was considering that maybe death would far better than what was coming.

"I want his chakra molding capabilities destroyed and that he spends his life in jail. I want him to know that he will never have his revenge on his older brother. I want him to feel the desperation as he slowly withers away into old age knowing that he would never avenge his family" Mebuki said smiling and even Tsunade shivered. That was one cold sentence, even worse than death. Sasuke would be locked up forever knowing that his family would have died in vain and that their killer would walk the earth free.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" Shikaku thought to himself.

"I don't see why not. Everyone in favor?" Tsunade asked smirking and everyone raised their hands with the exception of Danzo but no one gave two craps about him. "The sentence will be carried immediately" Tsunade said and motioned to Naruto to destroy his chakra network. In essence Sasuke would be a civilian when Naruto was done with him.

Naruto stood up and walked calmly towards Sasuke with an impassive face. Sasuke just stood and watched his doom walk towards him. "STAY AWAY. I'M NOT GOING DOWN LIKE THIS" Sasuke yelled and struggled to get free but he couldn't mold chakra and the cuffs were too strong for him to break. Not that he would go anywhere if he ever did break them.

Naruto arrived near Sasuke who was shaking from fear. Naruto placed his right hand over his chest and focused his chakra. Kanji started spreading through his whole body until it covered it completely. "This is the same seal I used in Orochimaru during the Invasion" Naruto explained and turned to Tsunade who nodded for him to proceed.

"This might sting a little bit" Naruto said as he placed his right hand in the tiger seal.

"Activate" Naruto said and activated his seal. Sasuke screamed in pain and rolled on the ground. Naruto took the liberty of delaying the destruction as much as possible as further punishment for his actions. Around five minutes later Sasuke stopped screaming and simply laid on the ground with labored breaths. If anyone looked at him you could see his dead look. The look of someone who just had his entire life taken away and was forced to know that he would never get what he wanted.

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