Chapter 4: Past is solution

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Frisk Pov

When I heard their footsteps slowly fading away, I turned off my video game and started to go to the lab door. It was a usual routine for me now. Left. Hack. Open. Explore. This time, Gaster improved. Instead a door knob, it had the security lock beside the door and it's my time to be more smarter than a regular kid.

..... ..... .... Nah, be non-sensical is what I have to do. I picked up a crowbar from Chara's drawer then smashed against the door's window.

They'll forgive me anyway. But Gaster isn't so... I hope this might be worth it.

I jumped through the window and landed on the white-tiled floor. I didn't see or check at the tables or random juices inside the tubes.

Instead I looked around for another...


Yeah. Entrance. I know Gaster well. He is very secretive and good at hiding things away from us and sometimes only me. Like that time he hid from me my pie last year. I never got to eat the pie that Chara gave for me because Gaster is a sneaky one. But, when recently I have been eavesdropping, I listened through the lab door to hear what Gaster says or peaks at the window for some illustration. And I know, for a feeling that Gaster might be hiding something from me. So, I looked around to see anything... suspicious.

After 5 minutes of searching, nothing. I sat down the floor and leaned on the drawer. I sighed in frustration and tiredness. The things lie on the table are pretty much useless to clue it out what's Gaster's doing.

I don't even know the big part of what's happening outside. You know.... The outside of our home. They gave me a little events of what happened there. And I'm tired of it! I'm sick of being treated like an innocent kid. I'm sick of just staying here and doing average days of being a kid.

I just want to be free. Do my own ways. Do my own life. I wish somebody could treat me how to be free. For to smelling flowers around me. The colorful petals surrounds the land. Birds chirping freely. Lying on the fresh grassland. Clouds forming anything I see. Relaxing in the days of the sun. Peacefully sleeping in harmony. That's what I want. Peace and freedom. This...

This is not what I anticipated when I heard murmurs in my dreams. It's weird though. The dreams I had, I heard mutters about peace and freedom from a soft and panicked female voice. Or maybe angry voice. I don't really know. But from that dream, I know things will be better. But still, nothing happened new. When I heard they're gonna build a machine that'll set us free, but every time Gaster activates it, destroys itself entirely. He said that they need to keep trying to build it again and so they did. They kept building the contraption from whatever place that was placed. I didn't get to see it though. Whatever they're working, they come up to Gaster's lab, but when I entered it's just a small room full of crazy experiments Gaster did and works.

I snapped back to reality when I heard a clang and like glass pieces scattered. I look around to see nothing had fallen. Even I checked outside the lab.



I was confused and excited at the same time. Thinking where did the noise from, I can feel something in me that I should follow. My senses are freaking me out since they want me to go inside a lab cabinet in front of me (which is the center one. Gaster's lab is kinda small which the sides of the room are lab cabinets, other side is a refrigerator, and there's a middle lab cabinet which leaves a square-ish space between the lab cabinets from sides and middle lab cabinet.)

My mind questions my senses but I know senses can't talk. Duh.

I shrugged mentally and opened the little cabinet below the lab table. My eyes couldn't believe what I just saw. It's a little rusted metal door beside it was some kind of security lock. But the options or buttons are some kind of.... symbols and .... hands? Seriously?! Security lock with buttons of symbols like that!?

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