Chapter 1: What a day!

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A moment of silence.

A moment for the carbon dioxide to spread.

A moment of a sudden explosion behind the building.

Yeah, this is life alright. 

Footsteps running and jumping over buildings by buildings. A drift to duck, cover, and wait for the moment to get the signal. Looking down is the police cars and the soldiers preparing for the shot, aiming at the exploded building, waiting for someone who did the cause. Lifted the hand to stop the boy on the other top building, copying the same way as she did. They waited and waited. Until... the police and soldiers started shooting at it, mercilessly. The girl started to go down quietly at the top of the small building. Landing down the big and green garbage bin, then swiftly took a move to hide. 

One soldier heard and turned behind at the large gap between buildings. Leaving the group, the soldier moves closer for inspection. Readied the soldier's gun and moved slowly and quietly, was taken by surprise of a knife slashed at the soldiers side of the face. Kneels and quietly screams. By touching gently at the slashed side-face, seeing blood dripping from face to neck. The pain was so realistic. It coursed right through the veins. Then, the soldier strongly grips the gun fire infront. Rapidly firing, the soldier stopped. Breathing heavily and got up. The soldier saw...

A rebel teen.

The soldier was about to fire at her, but she was fast.

She sided herself with a shield, which is only a cover of a garbage can. She fronted the shield and the soldier starts to fire. The soldier stops and quickly took a run and kicked the shield away from the girl's grip. 

The soldier fired the gun when a flash of sword coming through between the two. The bullet didn't reach at the girl because of the sword blocked the way. It shot stuck on the wall. When the soldier looked up where the sword came. The boy jumped down and got between the soldier and the girl. The boy... monster teen put his stance as a ready fight position. The monster spawned his two big majestic swords that they never ever seen this kind of sword before.

"I don't want to fight you, human. Please, just step away and let us be." The monster teen begged for the soldier to drop the gun. 

No response coming from the human.

The soldier fired at the monster. But, the monster avoided and dodged most of the bullets. Few were shot at the monster's leg, foot and arm. Blood drips from his body to the floor.  

But, he still remained strong. No matter how it hurts.

'It hurts so much' as usual, it always hurts.

The soldier keeps firing and firing, the other humans turned around to see  the monster fighting the brave soldier. All of them looked and call the others to shoot at the rebels.

Helicopters and tanks started to unite. Readied their weapons, they shoot and blow every inch at the rebels' position. 

Luckily, the rebels had it covered. With a single flash of white smoke that cannot enable to let the soldiers see them. They heard a 'swish' sound. Like they heard a sound in an invention called 'teleportation machine'. Then, when the smoke was fading, the rebels disappeared. Only leaving the army with confusion and anger.


The rebels escaped successfully with sacks full of... something.

As the rebels walked far deep within the forest, the talk to each other about plans and projects. "Ugh! What a day! Just only boring and useless soldiers and police just shooting us! I wish it could be hard that I'm gonna break someone's bone!" The human rebel teen complained. "Now, now, Chara. You might have to think before you talk. That is rude when two skeleton monsters are here right beside you." Gaster scolded Chara calmly, the human rebel, while the other skeleton called 'Papyrus' felt very uncomfortable. Chara gave a roll of her eyes and crossed her arms stubbornly while walking.

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