Chapter 3- The boy and The past

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"We're off to another little mission. Sure you can handle yourself here, Frisk?" Chara asked as she put her knife at her belt. "You do know that you guys leave me here alone like every day, so you don't need to ask. You already know the answer." Frisk carelessly nods while their head front at their video game. Chara stares at them for a moment then was about to say something, but she didn't continue any further. She climbed up to see her friends are waiting for her. She gave a simple yet serious nod to Gaster and set off to the underground.

(Ok, you may wonder why 'underground'. Well, all will be told by my future chapter.)

*Le skip to running through the forest and to the mountain entrance

Gaster stopped them behind his back to peak at the facility. He didn't see any guards. That's a good sign with a bad luck. Gaster looked back at the team. 

"Ok, this facility has many open vents we can crawl upon. Here's the map I stole. This part we'll start going by pair. As always, Chara, Asriel, go to the power plant center and get the gears I've set on the list I gave you. And oh, get the modification cells at the hydraulic chamber. Wherein you will find a specialized super computer. To access the main data, you will need a guard's inter-card to get then try to figure the password. Do not worry, the password is to easy even teenagers can solve it. Go to the database and pick up all the data we have for the machine installments. Also the modification cells are strictly locked in the computer. I can tell you when you get to the security zone point of the computer. Got it?" Gaster pointed every point of the map to where will the two take.

Chara and Asriel was about to say something, but stopped when Gaster continued.

"Good. Papyrus and I will try unlocking every security zone in the vents so crawling up will be easy."

"Why can't we do that instead the one you gave us?" Chara complained.

"Because accessing security codes is my job. I'm the royal scientist and I know these codes can be tricky to possess. So, by the fact you can't solve the passcode in the security room, you can't also get to the hydraulic chamber unless I hack the computer with complexity. Unless you want to blow your head into a millions scraping and bloody skin, do as what you are told. I will be giving you the signal when I will overrule the codes that the traps set for you. Clear?"

The two teenagers gave him with a annoyed look, but gave him a thumbs up. He nodded as they go to the facility in stealth mode.

As they got near to the center point of the facility, they splitted up. The siblings went to the right while the skeletons went to the opposite. 


The two skeletons walked up at the high- tech, plain white, two-way door. Beside is a security lock which they need is a passcode. Luckily, with the royal scientist, he hacked the system and overrode the locks. Whereas now they can safely call the people or guards inside to get out for an 'emergency' attack outside. The skeletons hid themselves on the corner while the guards opened the door and ran away to the exit door. Gaster then again played the security lock to open the door and it was a success. They entered the room and saw the futuristic computer. Gaster tapped some of the keys on the futuristic keyboard and entered. He had overrode the security at the zone for the two siblings can enter the security zone safely to the hydraulic chamber. 

"Now they can enter and start solving the code. Hopefully." Gaster picked his comm and turned it on. "The security is off. You can go now."

"Copy that." Ariel said on the comm.

"I wonder if we fixed the machine... Will we be able to be friends with humans again?" Papyrus curiously asked with sad look on his face. Gaster put his comm back at his pocket and thought that for a moment. He didn't want to tell him that the machine wasn't for befriending humans. He made the machine for to finally avenge the monsters... By getting them to be slaves instead of monsters. But with the look on his son, how can he say 'no'? The world is now at between war and still no chance that the humans will ever give life to monsters. How will he able to get him to apprehend the world is now? Gaster realized that he was in deep thought about this. He looked at his son. The face he gave him was concern. 

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