Chapter 2: Bedtime story

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"Yes!!! a bedtime story!!!" Frisk pleaded enthusiastically at Papyrus while they hold his leg like a koala.

He removed Frisk from his legs, which is the hard thing to do since they are so tight at hugging.

"Of course, human Frisk. I will read you Fluffy-"

"You can't just say one story, right?"

Papyrus was stopped by the prince called Asriel. He sat at the dusty couch with Frisk and Chara right beside him standing.

"What do you mean Prince Asriel?" Papyrus asked to break the silence.

"I mean that can't you tell another story? Chara and I are getting bored of this, no offence Pap, but is it time to change to another different story?" Asriel said nervously. Every time it was nighttime, he always tells stories to Frisk and sometimes with the whole family. It's a good routine for Frisk to fall asleep. But every story he tells is the same story everyday.

The feeling of regret came into his mind.

Ugh what am I thinking?! This is not the Asriel way. It's-

"Of course, Prince Asriel! But I have to think for a moment. Fluffy bunny was my favorite when I was young! I think I can make one after all the times I heard the story. It will be inspirational!! Nyeheheh!" Papyrus greatly stood like a heroic pose. Frisk giggled while Chara sighed with rolling her eyes trying to avoid laughter.

Asriel stared at him for a moment.

"I-I'm sorry I acted that way. I don't know what I was t-thinking. I just

"Do not worry, Prince Asriel. For I, the great Papyrus, am always forgivable to others! So am I with you!"

Asriel faintly smiled at him. "So what story should you tell about?"

"Well, I-"

"How about your brother's."

Chara stopped Papyrus to talk and the skeleton became silent. Asriel shockingly looked at his sister. While Frisk just stared all of them with a confused look.

The kid looked back at the silent and now shaking skeleton.

"You have a brother?"

Papyrus moved his head down at the child. He was shaking so hard that everyone can notice him. He nodded frantically at them.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I thought it was time to tell them your brother's...."

"So that they could mourn about him?" Papyrus said coldly at her. She flinched at his words. She didn't knew this side of his. The feeling of anger flowed inside his soul. Asriel stayed quiet. Not gonna say a word.

"So that they could do something that they can't and never done before? Chara, I talked about this. I could never bring myself to justice for my brother because I was weak to fight anybody. So, I tried to forget. Tried and tried after years of sitting in a corner of the room. Limping and crying. Holding my dear brother's remembrance. And it did. I don't feel the tragedy anymore. All I want is to forget that even happened. And now, it hurts, Chara. It hurts so much. The pain. My feeling. It hurts..." Papyrus said sadly and tries to hold his tears but it was too late. His tears ran down to the floor. While Asriel and Chara didn't say anything in return. Frisk, however, was greatly affected. His cries made them cry as well. They tried to wipe and moved close to him. They held their hand to his teary and dirty red glove. Papyrus noticed the child, but his sobbing continues.

"I... understand. We understand... And if you can't bring this feeling out. It will-"

"Hurt your memory as it already is."

Everyone was suddenly surprised at that voice interruption. Gaster.

He walked out of the lab and got near to Papyrus. Before he can reach Papyrus, Frisk and the others got out of the couch and went to their room, which is a hidden trapdoor beside the test tank.

The children heard mumbling and sobbing outside. They kept quiet for a few hours until they heard no more. Chara took a peak from the trapdoor. She saw Gaster and Papyrus hugging and hearing the murmurs of reassurance from his dad. Before she can get back inside, Gaster calmly noticed Chara peaking. She was surprised and quickly close the trapdoor quietly.

After a few hours of silence throughout the room inside and room outside, Gaster called the children to sleep while him and his son got work to do.

Frisk felt curious about his brother. And the feeling they want to ask about him and with them together. They decided to talk to him tomorrow night. And they hope he will tell about him.

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