Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ding dong! (A/N: Kookie where ya at?)

Yoongi ran to the door, throwing it open and placing a peck on Hoseok's cheek. "Hey babe, sorry I'm running a little late to be at the studio so I can't talk."

Hoseok chuckled, following Yoongi to the living area where he sat down, watching Yoongi running all around the house mumbling to himself. "I don't mind. What are you looking for?"

Yoongi didn't even glance at his boyfriend. "I can't find my fucking phone."

"Ahh. How long have you been looking for it?"

Yoongi froze, his eyes roaming upwards while he thought about his answer. "Hmm fifteen or so minutes now? Jisoo is no help."

"She's been through a lot. I'll help you. When were you last on it?"

"Last night when I was texting you."

"And where did you put it after that?"

Yoongi scoffed. "I don't know, that's the problem. God, I need my phone!"

Hoseok burst out laughing before getting up and walking over to his boyfriend, who stared at him with confusion across his face.

"Why are you laughing?"

Hoseok's laughter didn't stop as he placed Yoongi's phone on his hand. "It's been on the coffee table the whole time you dumbass."

Yoongi glared for a second before laughing alongside Hoseok. "Jisoos Hoseokie. You can be real mean sometimes."

Hoseok smiled as he placed a kiss on the older's lips. "You should get going, Yoongles."

Yoongi nodded, grabbing his keys from the counter. He was about to walk out the front door when a female voice stopped him.

"Yoongi? Where are you going?"

Yoongi turned around and walked over to Jisoo. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was disheveled. Her arms were wrapped around her body. "I'm sorry, Jisoo. I have to get down to the studio. Hoseok is here to keep you company though. Maybe you could go to the mall and buy some new clothes or something?"

Jisoo ran and hugged Yoongi. "I don't want you to leave me too."

Yoongi sighed as he made eye contact with Hoseok. He ran his hands up and down her back. "Soo, it's fine. I will only be gone for a few hours, and on my way home I'll pick up some take out for us, okay?"

She nodded before breaking off the hug. "Hoseok and I will have fun, I'm sure."

Yoongi chuckled as he nodded. He softly kissed Jisoo's forehead before waving goodbye. She wandered into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes. Hoseok tried to squash his social anxiety and make conversation with the person whom he has only met once before.

"Do you want something to eat?" She shook her head. "Are you sure? I can make you an omelette or something?"

"I'm fine, Hoseok. I'm just going to go take a shower and then we can find something to kill the time, okay?"


Yoongi entered his apartment to the sound of laughter. He smiled as he set his keys down and walked into the living room. Hoseok and Jisoo were on the couch watching Tangled. They were watching the part where Maximus and Flynn are pushing each other around and Jisoo was laughing like crazy. Hoseok was chuckling along but Yoongi could tell that the other was exhausted. Yoongi brought the bag full of takeout and set it on the coffee table. He sat down on the couch next to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek.

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