Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hoseok was avoiding Yoongi. The older would text and call, but Hoseok would ignore all of it. He had his mother inform the other that the boy wasn't home whenever Yoongi would stop by the house. Of course, Yoongi knew that was true.

Yoongi wasn't quite sure what had happened, and he wasn't sure why Hoseok was ignoring him. Yoongi couldn't focus on his music, or on anything for that matter. His mind overworked itself when him, Taehyung and Jungkook were watching a movie the other day. He couldn't help but eye the two as they cuddled each other, and he felt bitterness overflowing from his pores. He had gotten up and left during the movie, slamming his bedroom door shut, no doubt startling the happy couple on the sofa.

Yoongi stopped by Hoseok's house every day during his lunch break and on his way home. He raised his arm up to knock on the familiar mahogany door. He wasn't sure why he kept trying if he was getting nowhere, but he couldn't give up. He heard two distinct voices quiet down when he knocked on the door.

As usual, Ms Jung answered the door. "Ah, hello again Yoongi. I'm sorry, but he is still not here."

"I'm sorry, Ms Jung. Someone else is clearly here, I heard you talking with a male. I'm willing to bet that it's Hoseok. Please, I just want to see if he is okay."

She pursed her lips, frozen in the doorway. She held up a finger before shutting the door. Yoongi tapped his foot nervously, waiting for her return. He straightened up his clothes, brushing his fingers through his mangled hair.

The door opened again, and Yoongi was motioned to come in. Her voice was soft as she led him down the hallway. "He is in his room. You have to be very cautious of what you say, okay?"

Yoongi nodded before headed up the steps. He knocked quietly on the door, hearing a faint and mumbled "come in" before entering, shutting the door behind him.

The older sat down anxiously on the bed next to Hoseok, who was in the fetal position, his whole body shaking as the tears continuously fell from his brown eyes. Yoongi wasn't quite sure how to handle this situation, but he went with his instinct and wrapped his arms around the younger, rocking him back and forth while whispering soothing words. Hoseok had tried to fight against Yoongi's strong grip at first, but he eventually gave in, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. He buried his head in the older's shoulder, taking in the scent of his cologne.

Yoongi ran soft geometric patterns in the fabric of Hoseok's shirt, trying to calm him down. He could feel the tears seeping through the fabric on his shoulder and touching his skin, but he didn't mind. All Yoongi was worried about right now was Hoseok.

Hoseok's breathing slowed down and his shoulders stopped shaking with his sobs. The tight grip he had on Yoongi loosened slightly as he pulled back, admiring Yoongi's faded mint hair. He couldn't help but smile once he noticed Yoongi wearing the glasses Hoseok loved so much on him. The ones with the solid black frames.

Hoseok wiped a few remaining tears from his cheeks as him and Yoongi stared at each other in silence. Finally, the younger cleared his throat. "I shouldn't have ignored you, Yoongs. T-there were just some old m-memories that I had to process."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow before gripping Hoseok's hands. He placed a soft kiss on the younger's forehead. "I just wish you would've told me what was wrong. I'm your boyfriend. I want to help you and be there for you in every way possible but there isn't a whole lot that I can do if you don't tell me what is wrong, okay baby?" Yoongi wiped some of Hoseok's fringe out of his eyes, earning a soft smile from the other.

"I know. I have just never told anyone this before. It's been mine and my family's little secret, so it is hard for me to just come out with the information." Hoseok took a deep breath, before squeezing Yoongi's hands, trying to release some of the tension from his shoulders.

"My mom isn't my real mother. And my dad, the one who passed? He wasn't my birth father."

"What do you mean?"

Hoseok looked away, unable to stand the look of shock and nervousness mixed into Yoongi's eyes. He could tell the older was trying to disguise the emotions, and he couldn't help but feel happy that Yoongi was trying so hard to help him. "They're my aunt and uncle. My birth parents... well, my father ran off with another woman when I was five. I haven't seen him since. I don't even know if he's still alive."

"And your mother?" Yoongi regretted asking the question when he saw Hoseok tighten.

"My mother is in jail now, I think. My mom, uh, sorry, my aunt, turned her in. She was an aggressive woman. She would beat me sometimes. Not too often, but often enough that it left me scarred on the inside. So when Ms Kim slapped me, it brought me back to that, and I dug myself back into my little whole. I was trying to crawl myself out, but I failed.

"Good thing that I'm here to help drag you out." Yoongi flashed a gummy smile, and it made Hoseok smile in return. God, he loved his gummy smile.

"You are so incredible, Min Yoongi." Hoseok poked Yoongi on the nose with a "boop" sound, making them chuckle.

"Have you gone to the dance studio this week?" Yoongi wanted to test the waters, see how Hoseok was really feeling the past few weeks. Hoseok shook his head. "When was the last time that you went?"

The younger frowned. "Maybe two or three weeks ago?"

"Baby, you love dance. And I miss seeing you dance."

Hoseok shrugged. "I just don't have any inspiration, I guess."

Yoongi was quiet for a minute as he considered what to say. That is when an idea popped in his head. "What if I wrote a song for you to choreograph a dance to?"

Hoseok's eyes lit up. "That's perfect! There is actually a competition coming up." Hoseok jumped off the bed, wandering over to his desk. Yoongi followed, wrapling his arms around the other's waist, hugging him from behind. "It's in two months! It has to be an original dance that we choreograph ourselves. This is going to be so incredible!"

Hoseok was jumping up and down out of excitement. Yoongi couldn't hold in his laughter. "I'll start working on a song for you tonight then." He kissed Hoseok on the lips. They molded together like a perfect puzzle. Hoseok turned himself around in Yoongi's arms, pulling him closer by the nape.

Yoongi pushed Hoseok against the desk as the kiss deepened. They were mouth moaning lightly into the kiss. They could feel themselves running out of air, but neither one wanted to break the connection that they had.

"Boys! It's time for dinner. Yoongi, did you want to stay?"

The boys broke apart, panting. They stared at each other before Yoongi answered, not breaking eye contact. "I would love to stay for dinner, Ms Jung."


Legit don't even know where this book is going anymore, but I'm going with it for now.

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