Friday Night Lights

Start from the beginning

"You did amazing, I'm so proud of you!" Oliver hugged Christopher, he winced in pain.

"Are you hurt?" Elio asked. Christopher lifted his shirt, he had a purple mass covering his entire right side.

"It was that last hit, hurts like hell. If it gets darker than this I will go to the hospital dad I promise."

"You don't feel that much pain right now do you?" Oliver laughed

"No! Did you see that touchdown! I haven't done that in awhile. Hey David glad you could come." He was rambling now.

"Wouldn't miss it, you played amazing out there." David replied looking over Christopher's shoulder. A petite girl was running toward them, she had on an oversized red hoodie, her dark hair was pulled up in a bun on her head and her shorts were so short it looked as if she didn't have anything on at all. David wrinkled his nose as she ran up flinging her arms around Christophers waist.

"That was amazing babe, you kicked their ass!" Christopher leaned down giving her a kiss.

"Thanks, I saw you out there cheering me on."

"Hi Mr. Adler and Mr. Perlman." She waved to them, they hesitated in waving back.

"Oh sorry um Chelsea this is my friend David, he's going to be going out with us tonight."

"Nice to meet you Chelsea." David extends his hand, she takes it.

"I've never seen you here before, are you new?"

"No he goes to Columbia, he was the grad student I told you about." Christopher was getting annoyed now, David choked back a laugh.

"Well you kids have fun, David don't give them any alcohol no matter how much they beg." Oliver patted him on the back.

"Don't worry Professor I wouldn't dream of it. "

"We are going to have the entire house to ourselves what do you think we should do?" Elio mused.

"A soak in the tub sounds perfect." Olive signed.

"With bubbles can there be bubbles?"

"Yes, there can be bubbles, Elio."

David was forced to sit in the back seat of the jeep with Jude and his girlfriend. Christopher drives with the top down, trying to freeze everyone out. Arriving at the Hal's Pizza, Christopher and Jona used to work every summer there. They sat in a booth in the back, David sat on the outside next to Christopher.

"Chris! Man, where the hell have you been? Missed your ass this summer." a boy with the name tag Tony, high fived Chris.

"I was in Italy all summer, enjoying not working at all."

"Man trade lives with me."

"Not a snowball's chance in hell Tony."

David didn't speak much as the younger ones laughed and carried on. Chelsea kept kissing Chris and pushing them against David. He wasn't sure if Chris was doing all of this on purpose but he'd had enough of being ignored.

"I think, I'm going to go." David got up from the table.

"See ya!" Jude said waving one hand at him not giving him another thought.

"Wait why are you going?" Christopher ask.

"It's fine, I've got plans later tonight with Idris anyways." David began walking away.

"Hold on I'll go with you, don't want you to wait for a taxi by yourself," Christopher said getting out of the booth.

"Want me to come with you?" Chelsea asked batting her eyes at a Christopher.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now