Chapter Thirty-Nine...

Start from the beginning

We arrive at the Yacht place and I take the bags onto the Yacht and set everything up. I am thinking if inviting Kim and Lauren was such a good idea, I look over and Demi is talking to them both as I set things up "Fuck it's hot" I say to myself, I lift my crop top off leaving me in my bikini top. I hear two wolf whistles and I look up and it's two guys "Strip tease?" One says "In your dreams" I wink, he starts laughing "I'll dm you" He says "How are you going to do that if you don't have my instagram?" I reply, he walks over "You could always give it to me..." He says, I smile and give him my instagram "Your the chick that's dating Demi Lovato, right?" He asks, I nod and he smirks at me "I can change that" I hear footsteps behind me "I'm sure you can but she's only got a taste for me" Demi says, I look at Demi "Not when she's had a taste of my meat" He says, I start laughing "She's vegetarian boo" I hear Demi say, I start laughing harder and he shakes his head before walking away. Demi looks at me "Flirting with strangers?" She asks coming closer to me "It was just instagram dm" I say, she wraps her arms around my waist and brings me closer to her "But when people flirt with Demi's girl, Demi gets jealous" She says pushing the tip of her hands down my shorts "Hmm... and what happens when Demi gets jealous" I whisper "You'll have to find out tonight" I hear her say before she squeezes my ass and kisses my lips "I'll be waiting" I smirk. I'm gonna make her so jealous.

We are all sat on the boat and we're out on the sea. Demi is sat between my legs her hands on my thighs and my arms draped over her shoulders, I open my phone and start recording Demi on snapchat "Babe look down" I say, she looks down and notices my phone recording, she flares her nostrils, I start laughing before ending the video. We begin interacting with our friends. I stand up "Who's coming for a swim?" I ask, soon enough Camila and I dive into the sea, Demi looks on in shock "Come in babe" I shout, she removes her shorts "Jump naked" I smirk, she rolls her eyes and dives in "Boring" I say as I pull her closer "You look wet" She smirks "I am, very wet, Demi" I say. Her eyes widen and I swim back to the boat, getting on. "So have you heard from Paris' family about you and Demi?" Lauren Abedini asks, I turn my head to her "Yeah, they are absolutely thrilled I've moved on" I say, confused at her questions "That's a bit weird though, I mean you took Demi to Paris' grave" I hear her say "It's not weird and if it was, Demi would've let me know" I say "Trust me, she did" I hear Lauren say "Okay, is there an issue?" I ask her "I just find it weird how your deceased exes parents are happy you moved on, and that you took your new girlfriend to your exes grave" She says, she's making me angry "What the fuck does it have to do with you? Why are you so bothered about me taking Demi to Paris' grave, I needed it as closure and Demi was more than happy to come with me" I say "Lauren, you're taking this too far" Kim says, I look towards Demi who's swimming up with Dinah and Camila "Demi doesn't really like how you took her to the grave though. She's said to me multiple times and it's fucking scary you did that. I wouldn't date you if you did that" Lauren's says just as Dinah and Demi come onto the boat "What's going on here?" Dinah says "Nothing" I reply "Lauren what happened" Dinah asks Lauren Jauregui "Lauren was basically saying it's weird Soph taking Demi to Paris' grave and that she thinks it's weird Paris' parents are happy she moved on" Lauren Jauregui explains "What the fuck?" Demi and Dinah say together "How dare you insult my best friend like that, what's weird is that you want to break them both up, what's weird is that you're so in love with Demi that you'd ruin her happiness, who invited her?" Dinah asks "Dinah, don't" I say, Demi pulls me to her, letting Dinah do her thing "I've had it up to here with people saying Sophia is weird for taking Demi there, Demi can speak up if she isn't happy doing something, she isn't 5, she has a mouth of her own. If Demi didn't want to go she wouldn't of. I'm sick of you Lauren always sticking your nose into their relationship, stay the fuck out of there business. Demi doesn't want you anymore, we all know you were just a cover up for her feelings for Sophia anyway and deep down you did too" I hear Dinah say, I look at Demi "I'm so sorry this happened" I say, she shakes her head as she strokes my hair "We all knew what a cheating bitch Demi was as well, it's only a matter of time till she cheats on Sophia" Lauren says "But who seduces Demi?" I ask, she looks at me "Who told her I was still hung up over my deceased ex, when I'm evidently not. I wouldn't be with Demi if I was still hung up over Paris. I'm tired of people saying it. I loved Paris, and I know now she's watching over me, she will be happy I found love in Demi. Don't tell me things that you know nothing about, just don't" I reply walking away and down into the drivers room "Can we go back please?" I ask him, he nods and turns the boat round... 

Once we've arrived back to the dock, I help set the boat back to how it was before paying Emmanuel "Thank you again" I say, he smiles before walking off. Demi is sat waiting for me, she's saying goodbye to Kim "Bye Sophia, sorry again for Lauren" I hear Kim shout, I smile and wave before putting my shorts back on. I lock the door of the boat before walking over to Demi "Let's go" I say, she stands up and we begin to walk, Demi tries to grab my hand but I decline "Baby" I hear her say, I just shake my head and she stops me "Baby please" She asks, she pulls me closer "I promise I don't find it weird" I say "It's not that, Demi" I say "Then what?" She asks "Lauren, she was right, maybe I'm not over Paris" I say, I know I am but I needed to cover it up "What? So you mean you don't actually love me?" She asks, I shake my head "No, Demi. I do, i love you, I do, but the more people keep saying I'm not over her, it makes me think I'm not" I say, she grabs my hands "But if you know you are then you are, I'm not just saying this but Soph, if you have any doubts, we can slow down our relationship, just don't leave me" I hear Demi say... "I won't leave you"

!Hey Guys! 

Sorry this chapter took so long, I was celebrating some things.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have such a huge story line coming up soon, I'm excited for it. 

Please VOTE and comment any suggestions/ideas, I'm open to them

The storm is definitely coming...

All my love always, M x

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