Chapter 15

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Taleera's POV

Driving back from the skating rink was a little more awkward that the ride there. I was still kinda fuming because William has been getting his ass whooped and not saying shit about it. I know he's not my man, but he's a person. He helped me and he doesn't deserve to be penalized for that.

I'm not even angry at him about the past anymore because he's apologized, and while I could choose to still be angry at him, I'm not going to. I'm not going to deny that I have strong feelings for William, and he's a senior. He doesn't have much more time in high school before he's off to college while I'm here for two more years after. I just want to spend these last few months with him before maybe going on a trip in the summer. I don't know.

We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I felt a big, warm hand grab my cold one and I looked up at William. He kept his eyes on the road, but I continued to stare up at his profile. I always knew William was hot, even before we started whatever it was we did, but William is truly beautiful. His face is so clear and smooth, nose perfectly narrow, plump lips, and a jawline sharp enough to cut you. I don't even want to get started on his eyes that seem to see right through my exterior into my soul every time he looks at me.

"I love it when you stare at me, even though you hate when I do it to you," he says suddenly. He turns his head to look at me and I realize that the car is parked outside my house. It had started drizzling outside, so little droplets were beginning to fall on the windshield. I looked in the backseat and saw Austin and Asha asleep, holding hands with their heads leaning on each other's. I looked back at William to see him still looking at me.

I was going to say something like 'I wasn't staring' or 'Shut up,' but I felt him squeeze my hand. I looked down at my lap and put my free hand over his, rubbing the back of his hand. "I couldn't help it. You're really handsome, Will."

A hand was put on my chin and I was looking into Will's eyes. "But I feel ugly." My eyebrows furrowed in confusing and William leaned closer to me. "I feel like shit for the way I treated you. Not trusting you and ignoring your feelings, it was all because I was a jackass who couldn't get his feelings right for the one girl he truly wanted. You knew I was a whore who slept around and you didn't put up with any of my shit. I wasn't prepared for a girl like you. I even tried to blame Emile, but it was all me. And I'm so very sorry, my dear Taleera."

I felt myself start to blink rapidly and I knew I was going to cry. He had apologized before. I had already forgiven him. Why did this feel different though? It's like all of my previous doubts, if not gone, were completely diminished now.

I stared at him.

It was his eyes. They spoke louder than his own voice. They screamed sorrow and begged for my forgiveness.

"You truly mean that." It was a statement. I didn't need him to answer because I knew it already. His shiny blue orbs told me all I needed to know.

"I meant every word," he said, cupping my cheeks in his hands. "You are all I want. All I need, babygirl."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what sent me over the edge.

I curled my fingers around the neck of his shirt and yanked him until the space separating our lips was nonexistent. Our lips danced for a couple of seconds before his tongue slides in my mouth. I felt his hand slide down to my waist and my core was burning. I gripped the hair on the back of his his with my fingers as I sucked on his bottom lip. He let out a grunt and that's when I heard tiny giggles.

I pulled back immediately and looked in the backseat to see Asha and Austin wide awake, huddled together, and laughing at William and me. I look at William and he's staring in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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