Chapter 4

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William's POV


I arrived at Taleera's house at 3pm for our date. I wore a white Polo shirt with khaki pants and shoes that people call "Jordan's". An African-American friend on the football team helped me with the outfit. It still puzzles me that someone would name shoes after themselves.

I walked up to Taleera's doorstep and rang the door bell. A faint "I'm coming" sounded behind the door. A few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal a breathtaking Taleera. (Her outfit is above)

"You look amazing," I told her. She blushed at the compliment. "C'mon, beautiful." I escorted her to my car and opened the passenger door for her. I climbed into the driver's side and started the car up, driving down the street afterwards.

"So, where we going?" Taleera asked.

"The skating rink," I answered her. She looked at me like a penis had suddenly grown on my forehead. "What?"

"We can not got to the skating rink."


"I will fall on my ass every second and tonight is not the night for me to embarrass myself." I smirked at her.

"Why? Because you're going on a date with me?" I asked her. She scoffed.

"No," she claimed while rolling her neck in a silly way. "I just...don't wanna...uhm...mess up my shirt!" I laughed at her lying.

"Whatever you say, darling," I say, still chuckling a bit.

"I'm serious! Th-This is a brand new shirt."

"I'm sure it is," I said. She looked at me with a cute little pout.

"We're still going to the skating rink, aren't we?" She asked.

"Yep," I say, grinning at her as she huffed.

Once we made it to the skating rink, I ran around the car and opened the door for her and when we got to the entrance, I held the door open for her.

"You're going out of your way to be a gentleman," she commented as we walked to the counter.

"My mum raised a gentleman, not an asshole," I said and she laughed. Her laugh was like music to me.

When we got to the counter, I paid for our wristbands and skates. We went out onto the skating floor, Taleera doing so with heavy hesitation.

I grabbed onto her waist, steadying her wobbly body. She just started taking small steps on the skates.

"I old you that I can't do this, William," she complained. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Then hold on to me," I offered. She looked at me skeptically before nodding. I skated towards her and stopped in front of her. I put her hands on my shoulders and I began to skate backwards.

"How the fuck are you doing that?!" She asked, surprised. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I did it a little as a lad," I answered her. We skated together for a bit while longer before I decided to just teach her.

-10 minutes later-

I let out a loud laugh as Taleera fell to the floor for the 16th time. I tried, I really did, but Taleera is just a horrible skater. I still like her though.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the floor.

"That's it," she said, rubbing her lower back. "No more skating for today. I would like my tailbone to stay in tact." I laughed at her.

"C'mon, let's go get some ice cream," I suggested. She beamed.

"Yay!!" She squealed. Then she held her arms out to me. "Carry me to the ice cream, Sir Acer," she said in a cute British accent. I picked her up bridal style.

"As you wish, fair Maiden." I walked with her in my arms to sitting area where we changed our shoes. After that, we headed over to the guy selling sweets at the counter.

I paid for both of our ice creams. Taleera got a mint and strawberry ice cream with blackberries while I got a chocolate and cookie dough ice cream with fudge and bananas.

We sat down at a table (I pulled the chair out for her, of course) and talked. I told her about me having a host family, but then my actual family moved here so I could live with them and still go here. She told me that she had a younger sister who was my younger brother's age and that she lived with her mum and dad.

When it was nearing 9 o'clock, we decided to leave. I drove Taleera back to her house.

"Today was a great day," she said to me as I stopped at her house. "Thanks, Will." She leaned over and place a chaste kiss on my cheek and hopped out if the car.

I drove home with a smile on my face.

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