Chapter 14

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William's POV

I sighed as I stuck my arm through the blue, long sleaved shirt and pulled it over my head, whincing at the pain in my side. It's Saturday, and in all honesty, I don't want to go anywhere, but my mum is insisting that I look after Austin and Asha when they go to the skating rink.

I grab my keys and my wallet and headed downstairs where Austin was waiting for Asha to arrive. I sat on the couch next to him and he was all smiles.

"Look who's in love," I commented with a slight laugh. He looked at me and his smile widened, which seemed nearly impossible. Then he nodded.

"She's great. She kisses my cheek a lot, too, so I think she likes me back." I smiled at my loverboy brother. I probably still look like that when I think of Taleera. " We talk about you and Taleera sometimes." I blink out of my thoughts at that.

"What about Taleera and me?" He put his head down.

"Will you and her get back together?" Then his big eyes mooved back to my face. "Asha says it upsets her that Taleera is sad about you two. If Asha is upset, I'm upset too." My eyes widen. I don't know how to answer that. I'm not even sure if Taleera forgives me, let alone if there's any chance of us being together again.

Before being forced to answer my wide-eyed little brother, the doorbell rang. I got up amd walked to the door, but Austin rushed passed me to opem ot first.

There, in the doorway, was Asha and Taleera. It has actually beem a while since I've seen her face. I didn't want to come off as a creep to her by staring at her in school all the time. Plus I just didn't want to be noticed all the time by anyone anymore, so I just kept my head down.

"Hey, beautiful," Austin cheesed at Asha. She giggled and hugged Austin. He wrapped her in his arms tightly as he stumbled around.

"C'mon let's go say 'hi' to my mom. She dropped us off here," Asha said. Then she grabbed Austin's hand and ran to Mrs. Parker's car with him.

Taleera gazed up at me, while I tried to avoid eye contact. I didn't think I would see her. It's kind of embarrassing. I probavly look a mess, but she looks great. Even in her simple blue jeans, orange cropped top, and Adidas shoes.

"Hey, William," she started, her big brown eyes staring up at me when I looked at her.

"Hi," I said. That was all I said before I saw her mom's car pull off behind Taleera, leaving Austin and Asha to play in the yard. "Are you coming along to the skating rink?"

"Uh yeah. My mom thought it'd be too much of a hassle on you to have you watch both of them at once, so she told me to come with." I nodded, lowering my head.

"Well, do you want to head out now?" I asked. She nodded and I headed out of the house, locking the door with my keys.

"Asha. Austin. Let's go, guys," Taleera calls out to them. We all walk over to the car.

"Mama brought my booster seat," Asha said lifting the purple booster up from the grass. Austin immediately grabbed it from her and carried it to the car. I got it hooked up in the backseat of my car and the kids climbed in. Taleera walked around to the passenger side while I got into the driver's seat.

Once we were all in and buckled up, we drove to the rink.

"Can I plug in some music?" Taleera asked. I turned my eyes from the road to glance at her eyes staring at me again.

Why do I feel like I'm the nervous girl of this story now?

"Uh sure." I looked to the road, then back at her. "The cord's in the --."

"I know," she said, sending me a bright smile as she opened the center console and reached in, retrieving the AUX cord.

I tore my eyes from her golden brown sugar face and beautiful clean smile to the street ahead of me. Thank God for this red light or else me and my racing heart beat would have driven this car straight into a pole.

When we made it to the skating rink. I paid for Austin and Asha's tickets for skates and as soon as they put them on, they were off.

Taleera and I sat silently on the side, watching the kids laugh and play. They were falling a bit, but were suprisingly good at skating.

"Damn," I commented to myself. "They're doing better than we did when we came."

"I know. I guess they're naturals." She giggled. I bit my lip and looked down at the sound of her giggle. She's so damn cute.

"Do you want some ice cream?" I offered her. If we're gonna reminisce about our first date, might at well have a more accurate setting. Taleera nodded and I went to buy some.

I came back to Taleera, who was patiently waiting, and handed her the ice cream.

"Wow," she mumbled to herself.

"What?" I asked. "Did I get the wrong kind?"

"No. That's what's crazy," she said looking at me with her wide eyes again. "You remembered." I chuckled and looked back down at my ice cream.

"Ofcourse, I did." I heard a breathy laugh escape her ftom beside me. We continued to chat and watch the kids as the day went on.

"I remember how many times you fell on your ass," I laughed out and she gaped her mouth at me, humor still spread across her face.

"Well I haven't been skating since I was 5 like some people. Sorry, we can't all be perfect like you."

I laughed again. "I'm far from perfect, but at 5 years old, I could at least stand in skates." Her eyes humorously glared at me.

"Oh shut up," she said before she elbowed me in my side. I winced in pain and clutched onto the spot where she elbowed me. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I groaned. I tried my hardest to brush it off. I didn't want Taleera to know that I'm getting hurt for helping her. And I don't want to seem like a big baby. She was already looking at me with an adorable, worried expression.

"Let me see you're side. It sounded like ot really hurt," she said. She reached for my shirt, but I dodged her hand.

"It's nothing really," I tried to explain. She rolled her eyes.

"Quit playing, William," she reached for my shirt and successfully grabbed the hem. She lifted it up and gasped when she saw the big, purplish bruise. "This looks like more than nothing. How did this happen?" Her fingers grazed my skin and I flinched because it hurt, but also because her fingers sent sparks through my body. I y

"Football," I said simply. I yank my shirt back down and lower my head to avoid her gaze. She scoffs and rolls her eyes again.

"Liar," she stated, bluntly. My head snaps to her. "I see hoe much padding the quarterbacks have to wear. There is no way you got a bruise that sever because of football." I lower my eyes and shake my head. "Have the guys ob the football team been fucking with you?" My hand scratches the nape of my neck.

She takes that as an answer.

"William, you have to tell somebody," she says. I shake ny head confidently.

"No. Teammates don't sell out other teammates," I stated. Telling on them would only dig me into a deeper whole, and not with just the football team, but the whole school. She shook her head, annoyed.

"Even if those so called teammates are whooping your ass all the time?!" She exclaimed. She was angry on my behalf, even though she didn't have to be, but, honestly, I really don't want to speak about this.

"Can we just talk about something else, please?" I plead. "I'm not up for this." I heard her sigh after a while, then she placed her hand on mine, which was on my knee.

"We're talking later, okay?" She told me. There was no real option there.

I just nodded.

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