Chapter 10

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My mama stopped the car in front of my elementary school, then she came around the car to take me out of my booster seat. She picked me up then put me on my feet on the school sidewalk.

"You gon be good today?" She asked, crouching down to fix my clothes.

"The real question is if Imma bite my tongue because, Mama, these kids aggravating." I admitted. She laughed and kissed my head.

"Go on head, baby. Remember, don't let nobody play in yo hair. And if anybody try to touch you in you no-no places, kick them and scream. Same goes for if somebody try to take you." I nodded my head at my momma. We said goodbye and I walked up to my school building.

I saw my best friend, Valentina, at the front doors. It was chilly today so we were both wearing our coats. I ran up the steps to give her a hug.

"Hey, Ash," she said in her high, Hispanic voice.

"Hey, Val. You still comin' ova tonight?" I asked her. Our moms were good friends, but Val's mom had some money problems, so when her mom worked, Val got to spend the night at our house. "My daddy's comin' back from his business trip."

She smiled and nodded her head. We walked hand in hand in school and on our way to our classroom.

Ms. Sudo told our class to sit in our tiny desk. Val and I sat next to each other all the time.

"Okay, class, we're having visitors from another grade come to our class."

"What grade?" Tommy asked. Oh, I hate that boy! He's such a bully to me and Val, always hitting us and stuff. But during class, he acts like Ms. Sudo's perfect student.

"Fourth grade, Tommy," she smiled at him. I just rolled my eyes. Our visitors were only two grades above us.

There was a knock on the door and in walked a line of older kids. I looked on, but I could have died when when I realized that Austin was among them. Oh my gosh! This boy!

When he notices me, he runs out of his line and to my desk. One he was near, he placed his arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

"Sweetheart!" He chanted. "I didn't know you went here." His weird accent clogged my ears and I flinched.

"Same here," I said while prying him off of me. He slyly leans over and pecks my cheek. I scrunched up my face and wiped my cheek.

"See you at lunch, softy lips," I made a face at the nickname. Must he remind me of what happened at his birthday party?

I looked at Val who held a shocked face and said, "We have a lot to talk about, missy."

Once lunch rolled around, I sat next to Val, obviously since she's my best friend, and Austin took a seat on my other, which resulted in an eye roll from me.

Tommy sat his dusty self in front of me and Val with his stupid friends. Tommy talked quietly with his friend before a conniving smirk fell on his face.

Suddenly he reached over and snatched my bag of Oreos from me.

"Hey!" I screeched, angry at him. If anybody knows me, they know I don't play when it comes to my Oreos. "Give it back, Tommy."

"Yeah, she didn't even do anything to you," Val told him.

"I don't care. I want your Oreos," he said, digging his pale hand into my bag of cookies.

Before I knew it, a hand from beside me reached across the table and grabbed Tommy by his red hair. An identical hand came forward also and started to punch Tommy repeatedly in the face. It wasn't until he was pulled away did I notice that the hands belonged to Austin.

I looked at him with wide eyes as the fourth grade teacher dragged him away.

After school I was walking to the front of the building with Val when I saw Austin sitting by the front office. I told Val to go on while I talked to him.

"Y'know, you could have gotten in some big trouble," I told him. He looked down. "Why you did dat anyway?" I sat on the bench with him.

"He stole your Oreos. And you looked very upset about it. I isn't like what he was doing to you." I almost smiled. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well if you don't want yo mama to beat cho butt, you should finish fights instead of starting them." He nodded at me and smiled. I got up and looked at him. Then, I leaned in and gave him a kissed him on the cheek, before walking away.

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